Collector's Cache

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Collector's Cache
The Collector's Cache is a Dota 2-exclusive cosmetic item. The Collector's Cache appears in-game during The International, and first became available for purchase in 2015. Exclusive chests contain unique sets for characters chosen by Valve. The standard cost of a Collector's Chest is $2.50.
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The Collector's Cache is an exclusive cosmetic item in Dota 2. The Collector's Cache appears in the game during The International period, and first became available for purchase in 2015. Exclusive chests contain unique sets for characters chosen by Valve. Collector's Cache items cannot be purchased from the Steam marketplace. The standard value of a Collector's Chest is $2.50, with 25% of sales going towards The International prize pool.

Collector's Cache appeared in Dota 2 in 2015 and was timed to coincide with the main esports event of the year - The International 2015. Since then, adding them to the game has become a tradition.

Collector's Cache 2015

The ancestor of the Collector's Cache line of items was The International 2015 Collectors Cache. Then the treasury included 11 items:

  • Fires of Vashundol for Doom
  • Armor of the Unyielding Mask for Jugger
  • Serpant of the Emerald Sea for Medusa
  • Flowing Entropy for Specter
  • Echoes of the Eyrie for Venge
  • Brawler of the Glacier Sea for Tusk
  • Knight of the Burning Scale for DK
  • Garb of the Cunning Augur for Rubick
  • Apostle of Decay for Necrophos
  • Flowersong Tempest for Windranger
  • Beacon of Cerulean Light for Skywrath Mage

In addition, the chest contained 11 levels of the compendium and the extremely rare Faceless Rex courier. Each item could be exchanged for 2 levels of the Battle Pass.

Collector's Cache purchases in 2015 offered 16 tiers: 1 tier for 1 chest, 5 tiers for 5 chests, and 11 tiers of the Battle Pass for 11 chests.

Collector's Cache 2016

A new chest in the Collector's Cache line was released for The International 2016. It held even more cosmetic items and had a few changes regarding its availability on the Steam marketplace:

  • Items from Collector's Cache 2016 were not tradable (with the exception of an extremely rare quality item)
  • Items from Collector's Cache 2016 could be gifted 1 time
  • Treasure cannot be given

The chest itself included:

  • Oni Knight the Dark Conqueror for Chaos Knight
  • Fortified Fabricator for Tinker
  • Diabolical Fiend for Shadow Fiend
  • Creeping Shadow for Phantom Assassin
  • Stormwrought Arbiter for Sven
  • Iceburnt Elegy for Winter Wyvern
  • Wartorn Heavens for Zeus
  • Heir of Terror for Bane
  • Dirgeful Overlord for Undying
  • Nightsilver's Resolve for Luna
  • Fractured Envoy for Arc Warden
  • Rising Glory for Magnus
  • The Family Values for Meepo


Atrophic Skitterwing - courier

Very rare

Doomsday Ripper for Puge

Extremely rare

Hokobi and Tenneko - courier

In 2016, the purchase of Collector's Cache did not qualify for additional Battle Pass levels.

Collector's Cache 2017

In 2017, Collector's Cache was released on May 23, 2017. It became a record for the number of sets included in the list available (20 regular and 3 increased rarity).

Items Collectors Cache 2017

  • Jolly Reaver for Pudge
  • Eternal Testament for Death Prophet
  • Secret of the Katekhein for Winter Wyvern
  • Rumrunner`s Carronade for Brewmaster
  • Abyssal Vortex for Enigma
  • Samareen Sacrifice for Huskar
  • Seablight Procession for Undying
  • Corruption of the Virulent Krait for Venomancer
  • Saeborn Reprisal for Kunka
  • Pressure Regulator for Clockwerk
  • Meranth Dragoon for Sven
  • Spoils of the Vodou Rover for Witch Doctor
  • Shadowforce Gale for Luna
  • Mechalodon Interdictor for Gyrocopter
  • Riptide Raider for Monkey King
  • The Dread Prophet for Nature's Prophet
  • Covenant of the Depths for Invoker
  • Sovereign of the Kray Legions for Sand King
  • Cunning Corsair for Riki
  • Chitinous Stalker for Nyx Assassin


Submerged Hazard for Tinker

Very rare

Manta Marauder for Batrider

Incredibly rare

Heiress of the Coastal Kingdom

In 2017, the Collector's Cache brought back the purchase level mechanic. By purchasing the first copy of the treasury, you could get 2 levels of the Battle Pass, for the 10th copy - a Collector's Cache 2017 token, which allows you to get any of the normal quality items for free. Buying 20 Collector's Cache 2017 increased the level of the Battle Pass by another 20.

Collector's Cache 2018

In 2018, the content of the exclusive treasure has become even more extensive. The chests were released in two series: The International 2018: Collector's Cache and The International 2018: Collector's Cache 2.

The first treasury contained 17 items (14 normal rarity, 3 increased rarity). The range included:

  • Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum on Bloodseeker
  • Pitfall Crusader on Pangolier
  • Insights of the Sapphire Shroud on Dark Seer
  • Pillar of the Fractured Citadel on Spirit Breaker
  • Forlorn Descent on Undying
  • Stonemarch Sovereign on Wraith King
  • The Murid Divine on Necrophos
  • Primer of the Sapper`s Guile on Gyrocopter
  • Molokau Stalker on Venomancer
  • Morbific Provision on Witch Doctor
  • Raptures of the Abyssal Kin on Queen of Pain
  • Fate Meridian on Invoker
  • Grasp of The Riven Exile on Weaver
  • Visions of the Lifted Veil on Phantom Assassin


Dread Compact on Warlock

Very rare

Endowments of the Lucent Canopy on Shadow Shaman

Incredibly rare

Vespudin Hunter-Killer on Gyrocopter

With the opening of the treasure, the levels of the Battle Pass rose: 1 chest - 2 levels, 7 chests another 5, and 14 Collector's Cache 2018 - raised the level of the Compendium by 20.

The International 2018: Collector's Cache 2 offered buyers a more modest range of items. There were 14 of them in total, including 11 regular rarity and 3 increased:

  • Pitmouse Fraternity for Meepo
  • Fires of the Volcanic Guard for Ember Spirit
  • Third Awakening for Dragon Knight
  • Shackles of the Enduring Script for Ax
  • Shimmer of the Anointed for Nyx Assassin
  • Cruelties of the Spiral Bore for Magnus
  • Loaded Prospects for Brewmaster
  • Ire of Molten Rebirth for Phoenix
  • Pattern of the Silken Queen for Broodmother
  • Dead Ascendance for Doom
  • The Rat King for Chen


Raiments of the Obsidian Forge for Underlord

Very rare

Legends of Darkheart Pursuit for Nightstalker

Incredibly rare

Twisted Maelstorm for Enigma

In proportion to the amount of filling the chest, rewards were also awarded for the purchase of the second batch of The International 2018: Collector's Cache. The first copy granted 2 levels, the 6th copy granted 4 levels, and the 11th copy granted 15 levels.

Collector's Cache 2019

Since 2018, Valve has maintained a tradition of releasing Collector's Treasures in two runs. In 2019, the first Collector's Cache added 18 sets (15 regular and 3 increased rarity), and the second - 16 (13 regular and 3 increased rarity).

The first chest included items for Abaddon, Dark Willow, Grimstroke, DK, Chen, Enigma, Tidehunter, Death Prophet, Undying, Huskar, Slark, Dazzle, Oracle, Drow Ranger, Earth Spirit. The Rare reward was the Defender of Ruin on Disruptor, the Very Rare Gothic Wisper on Phantom Assassin, and the Incredibly Rare Avatar of the Impossible Realm on Rubick.

In The International 2019: Collector's Cache 2, 16 sets (14 regular and 3 premium) have been added. Drow Ranger, Warlock, Clockwerk, Shadow Fiend, Abbadon, Pudge, Huskar, Broodmother, Pangolier, Wraith King, Tusk, Venomancer, and Batrider have become regular-quality items. The rare Fowl Omen set received Necrophos, the very rare set Cinder Sensei, Ember Spirit, and the extremely rare Juggernaut reward Jagged Honor.

In 2019, Collector's Cache chests gave a record number of Battle Pass points. Only the first chest with 15 openings gave 36 levels, and the second chest for 13 purchases - 32 levels.

In addition, in 2019, items from the first Collector's Cache could be reforged into an additional chest and Rylai Warwheel token. The opportunity to test fortune could be obtained for every 4 items reforged.

The International 10 Collector's Cache

The International 10 Collector's Cache, released on July 2, 2020, contains 18 items. According to the classics, 15 were of normal quality, and 3 were rarer.

Night Stalker, Underlord, Ancient Apparation, Warlock, Disruptor, Jugger, Silencer, Pudge, Bounty Hunter, Grimstroke, Jakiro, Huskar, Natures Prophet, Lina, and Enchantress received regular quality exclusive items. The rarer Ancient Inheritance was on Tiny, Forsworn Legacy of very rare quality for Mars, and the main reward of extremely rare quality was the Spirit of the Sacred Grove set for Mirana.

The second part of the Collector's Cache, dedicated to TI10, was released on August 14, 2020. The list of regular rarity items included sets for Enigma, Bristleback, Timbersaw, Keeper of the Light, Tidehunter, Arc Warden, Chaos Knight, Rubick, Shadow Demon, Doom, Sniper, Skywrath Mage, Phoenix, Ember Spirit - 14 in total.

Rare is the Steward of the Forbidden Chamber set for Templar Assassin, very rare is the Claszureme Incursion for Faceless Void, and the incredibly rare Radiant Conqueror set for Legion Commander.

For 14 openings, you could get 34 levels of the Battle Pass in total.

Diretide Collector's Cache 2022

The Collector's Cache for the Battle Pass 2022 was released on November 23rd, breaking a tradition that has been around for years. For the first time, the chest was released not under The International, but after it ended.

Includes standard rarity items on Hoodwink, Riki, Snapfire, Chen, Clockwerk, Dawnbreaker, Specter, Faceless Void, Ursa, Phoenix, Terrorblade, Undying, Monkey King and Witch Doctor, rare on Marci and Invoker, very rare on Primal Beast and the incredibly rare Astral Origins set on Tiny.

For the purchase of 1 unit, Battle Pass owners will receive 2,500 battle points, for the purchase of 7 chests, buyers will receive 6,500, and the purchase of all 14 guarantees an additional 27,000 points.

The second part of Diretide Collector's Cache 2022 was released a month later, on December 23rd. It includes items for Legion Commander, Silencer, Alchemist, Oracle, Brewmaster, Doom, Pudge, Night Stalker, Phantom Assassin, Clinkz, Ogre Magi, Huskar and Techies in normal quality, as well as rare Grudges of the Gallows Tree” for Treant Protector and “Brands of the Reaper” for Anti-Mage, a very rare quality for “Sublime Equilibrium” for Void Spirit, and an extremely rare reward for the “Unites of Discrod” set for Chaos Knight

When buying Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache 2, players will receive Battle Pass points in addition to cosmetic items: 2,500 for 1 chest, another 6,500 for 7 units, and an additional 27,000 for 14 purchases.

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