karzheka, wTg and KaMA left Virtus.pro Rainbow Six roster
The Russian esports organization Virtus.Pro has announced changes to the Rainbow Six roster, parting ways with karzheka, wTg and KaMA. Recall that both players and the coach have been inactive since the end of last year. The organization promised to introduce newcomers in the coming weeks.
Sergey Glamazda, general manager of Virtus.pro:
Last year was a very difficult one for our R6 roster. Spot replacements were not able to bring the team to the result we expected, so we decided that we needed more global changes. Each player in the R6 roster is good in its own way, but the “chemistry” within the team is a special process that needs to be rebuilt, and often it is impossible without updating the majority of the roster. We are grateful to Evgeny, Artem and Sasha for their huge contribution to the development of the team and we are sure that many more victories await them ahead! At the moment, we are faced with an important task - to work out the processes within the roster in order to return to the leading positions in the EUL. In the near future, the announcement of new players of the R6 roster will take place, stay tuned.
karzheka has been playing for Virtus.pro since March last year, while KaMA took over the team in the autumn of the same year. In turn, wTg has represented the colors of the club since 2020, when the organization acquired the forZe roster. During this time, the team took third place in the Russian Major League Season 7, and also failed to qualify for the Six Invitational 2022 twice.
After a series of setbacks, the organization moved the entire roster to inactive, thereby taking a break from the competitive scene.
Virtus.pro's current Rainbow Six roster is as follows:
- p4sh4.
- Rask.
- m1loN.
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