Pure removed from Virtus.pro
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Yesterday, during a match against Mind Games, during a pause, a Virtus.pro Pure player drew a "Z" symbol on the minimap. The marking is used by Russian troops during the invasion of the territory of Ukraine.
The case caused a public outcry, after which the organizers of the DPC 2021/2022 Tour II: Eastern Europe represented by BTS decided to remove the Outsiders from participation in the tournament. Today it became known that the Virtus.pro club terminated the contract with Pure.
In the official statement, VPs say that all actions have consequences, whether done intentionally or not. Also, VP did not forget to mention that they are shocked by the severity of punishment from Valve.

DPC 2021/2022 Tour II: Eastern Europe starts on April 27th and ends on May 2nd. At the tournament, $102,500 and 3 trips to the Major are up for grabs.