CS: GO lost 17% of audience in the first month of summer
Analytical portal Steam Charts provided interesting statistics, according to which 17% fewer users played CS: GO in June than in May. The peak number of players simultaneously in CS: GO was 929,900+ people, while in May the maximum number of people playing CS: GO reached 1,087,000 users.
As for the average, in June this figure equates to approximately 549,300 players per day. In May, the same figure was 659,800+ people. In April last year, against the background of the development of quarantine measures and a general lockdown, CS: GO set an absolute record and at that time the peak number of concurrent users was 1,305,000 people.
In mid-June, for the first time in 8 months, the peak of players fell below a million. Since February this year, CS: GO has been showing a downtrend in terms of its online presence.