Hearthstone Americas Spring Championships Decklists are Available!
All Americas Spring Championships decks can be found
Taking a look at these decks, not surprisingly, Aggro Shaman was the most played deck in the tournament. There isn’t too much to discuss there – aggro rules the Meta at the current moment.
What I wanted to discuss was the amount of Dragon (control) Warrior decks that were run. It takes a close 4th/5th spot of most run decks, and overall, they did not perform poorly against aggro. Keep in mind that the winner, (SPOILERS!) Cydonia, even ran it himself. His decklists were largely based on the current Meta, running plenty of aggro/midrange like Zoo, Aggro Shaman and Midrange Hunter, but mixed in a good amount of control as well, including Control Warrior and even C’Thun Druid, an interesting choice. In a tournament where only 4 Druid decks showed up to begin with, 3 of which being C’Thun Druid, this is an interesting choice. It is by no means top tier, yet he used the unique mechanics around the C’Thun minions expertly and took games off of top tier decks in the Meta right now, including Zoo and Aggro Shaman.
Let’s discuss the large amounts of Midrange Hunters. I always thought that Hunters would be top tier soon, especially due to the insane amounts of both board control and burst damage it can push for. Especially being able to run two of them, the Leokk summon basically punishes your opponent for leaving you any board at all. Expect a “Look at Top Tier” article to be made on Midrange Hunter soon.