BlizzCon Update: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan!
We have info on the new Hearthstone expansion, and it will be ‘Mean Streets of Gadgetzan”! We’ve seen some crazy new things so far planned for the expansion, so let’s talk about them here! Before we get started, check out the brand new trailer here:
For starters, we are seeing multi class class cards! This means that, say, there is a card that can only be run in Mage, Warlock or Priest, and no other class. This concept is very interesting, and overall, can provide for a much healthier and diverse Meta than we are seeing right now.
The expansion is set in the new city of Gadgetzan after, you know, Draenor exploded. The city was a huge, bustling place before the Cataclysm, and with it comes some interesting groups of shady characters, including assassins, alchemists and overall troublemakers in the city’s dark alleys. It’s a place for the wealthy, as the city has always been known for its “unbreakable” vaults and safes where virtually all of the city’s wealth is stored. But are these vaults truly unbreakable?
We’re seeing so much new content for Hearthstone coming up soon, so take a look at a few of the cards we have revealed so far, discuss them below, and keep your eyes open this BlizzCon weekend for exclusive Hearthstone coverage here at EGamersWorld!