Hearthstone will have a new addition with a new class
Get ready to meet the Death Knight in classic Hearthstone mode, very soon he will appear in the game along with the addition called March of the Lich King.
The character of the Death Knight will be the notorious Arthas, the Lich King.
Arise, warriors of the icy wastelands! The Lich King is back as the face of a new class in Hearthstone! Now he is leading his army of the undead to storm Silvermoon City, where the blood elves, who have risen to defend their homeland, are preparing to fight him. They bravely fend off the attacks of the endless hordes of the Scourge, drawing magical power from the Sunwell, which cannot be given to the enemy. As everyone watches the standoff in Silvermoon with bated breath, it's up to you to support - or try to stop - the Lich King's march!
Death Knight Hero Power: Ghoul Rush
A new class of death knights has the special hero power Ghoul Rush. For 2 mana, he summons a 1/1 Ghoul with Rush. It can attack any opponent, but it dies at the end of your turn anyway. These old bones are no longer the same, but death is only the beginning.
Death Knight Mechanic: Corpses
For death knights, death is just another chance. When you play death king's zar, you get a special resource - "corpse" - every time your minion dies. You can then use the corpses to power up your other cards. What about a corpse explosion?
Death Knight Deck: Runes
Death knights draw their power from three runes: blood, frost, and unholy. Each rune has its own strengths. When building a -deck, you can choose any combination of three runes, but keep in mind that many death knight cards require devotion to one.
New Perk: Mana Thirst
Opponents of the Lich King draw on the power of the Sunwell to sate their thirst for magic. Cards with the Mana Thirst (x) modifier activate a bonus effect if you have x mana crystals. This mana does not need to be spent: just save it until you have the required number of mana crystals - so that the card is filled with the power of the Sunwell.
New creature type: "Undead"
Death knights command the undead, and now this ability is available to you! Undead is a new type of creature that will be added to the game with the release of the March of the Lich King expansion, including in existing sets. Many Undead cards have death-related effects, including the resurgent Rebirth modifier!
Creatures with two types!
With the advent of the new "Undead" type, an increasing number of creatures fall under two types at once. Now there can be an undead beast in the game, interacting with other cards as both of these types - creatures! Some creatures from the sets already in the game will also receive a second type.
Expect the Lich King on December 6th this year.