Sty1e resigned as Flora esports Apex Legends coach
The Japanese esports organization Flora esports has announced the parting ways with the head coach Sty1e. Recall that the 24-year-old South Korean specialist led the Apex Legends team for the past year.
"We were able to grow significantly in one year. I'm really grateful to the team members who believed in me and followed me, the people who supported us, and the people involved in the team. Please continue to support us further. Thank you, " wrote now former coach of Flora esports.
Sty1e took over Flora esports in March last year, having moved from the Connect Gaming Ace camp. Over the course of a year, the 24-year-old specialist helped the Japanese team win FFL Tournaments #4 and SoulZ #1, as well as get into the top three at FAV CUP Online Arena and ALGS: 2022 Split 1 Playoffs - APAC North. In addition, together with Sty1e, the team became the sixth in the ALGS Championship 2021 - APAC North and got into the TOP-4 at ALGS: 2021 Split 1 Pro League - APAC North.
Flora esports is currently playing in the Apex Legends Global Series: Split 2 Pro League - APAC North. Based on the results of two rounds of the competition, the Japanese team ranks 19th in the table.
From now on, the composition of Flora esports by Apex Legends is as follows:
- Shunmi.
- Mainy.
- L1ng.