Details of update 3.0
Riot Games has released the full patch notes for 3.0. The main changes were two nuances: shooting accuracy and expanding tactical capabilities.
Agent changes
Basic skills now have one charge per round, rather than gaining an additional charge at the start of a new round.
- Astra. The cooldown of basic skills has been increased from 12 to 25 seconds. In addition, stars placed during the buy phase will no longer be active. The cost of the stars themselves has been reduced from 200 to 150. The number of base skill charges received has been reduced from 2 to 1.
- Breach. Blinding Charge cost increased from 200 to 250. Fissure full charge time reduced from 1.5 to 1 second. Disruptive Charge explosion radius increased from 260 to 300. Thunderclap affected area increased to 2300.
- Jett. Climb cost increased from 100 to 150. Tailwind no longer breaks Cypher's Stretch. The number of points for obtaining the ultimate skill has been increased from 6 to 7.
- Raze. Improved character model. Bombotron cost increased from 200 to 400. The number of points for obtaining the ultimate skill increased from 7 to 8.
- Omen. Paranoia cost reduced from 400 to 300. Hidden Step cost increased from 100 to 150. Dark Shroud cooldown increased from 35 to 40 seconds.
- Sage. Orb of Slowing cost increased from 100 to 200. The number of points for obtaining the ultimate skill increased from 7 to 8.
Note that these are not all changes in the balance. More details can be found on the official VALORANT website.
Weapon and shooting changes
The developers decided to weaken the slowdown effect, narrow the dead zones. In addition, in general, the accuracy of shooting while moving was reduced.
- Bullet tagging reduced from 75% to 72.5%.
- Weapon dead zones reduced from 30% to 27.5%.
- Rifles: Inaccuracy on the move changed from 1.3 to 2.0.
- Heavy Weapon: Inaccuracy on the move changed from 0.5 to 2.4.
- Submachine guns: Inaccuracy of firing on the move changed from 0.3 to 1.0; Firing Inaccuracy while running changed from 2.0 to 2.5.
- Operator cost reduced from 5000 to 4700.
- Stinger cost reduced from 1100 to 950.
- Judge cost increased from 1600 to 1850.
Again, the full list of changes can be found on the official VALORANT website.
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