PLAYER1 leaves Gen.G
Gen.G sent PLAYER1 to the bench. The player is currently looking for a new team.
PLAYER1 was the founding member of VALORANT's Gen.G roster when the organization first took to the stage, signing a French-Canadian team during the game's beta. The squad quickly rewarded the organization by defeating T1 in the T1 x Nerd Street Gamers Invitational, winning the championship gold.
However, the organization soon began to move away from its original lineup, replacing effys with Shawn in October. PLAYER1's departure will be the second lineup change. Interestingly, the name of the new player has not yet been announced. Also interesting is the fact that Gen.G won Knights Before Christmas last week. The future championship in which the team will take part is unknown.
The current roster of Gen.G is as follows:
- huynh.
- MkaeL.
- gMd.
- Shawn.
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