Valorant will add left-handed mode
Valorant Senior Producer Stephen Eldridge reported on a large number of letters received asking for a left-handed regime. According to him, the function is already in development, but there is no exact information about the date of the appearance of this innovation.
According to him, at first glance, such a regime should not be technically complicated, but in reality everything may turn out differently. In addition, the artists now have the task of completing the elements of the weapon, which are not visible when holding the weapon in the right hand. To maintain a balance, developers will also need to do enough testing to ensure that left-handed mode does not offer any advantage over non-lefty players.
Stephen Eldridge was asked questions on the Ask Valorant forum about improving the released skins. He stated that Riot Games is unlikely to be engaged in such matters anytime soon, as they have more important tasks that require closer attention to themselves. Despite this, the developers took into account the wishes of the players and, when creating new skins, they will especially work on their quality, but the processing of old cosmetic sets will be done last.