TSM Approves Updated VALORANT Coaching Staff
The North American esports organization TSM has approved an updated VALORANT coaching staff. With a boosted specialist recruitment, the team will try to prove themselves as part of the VALORANT Champions Tour 2022: North America Stage 2 Challengers.
The main change concerns the head coach position Juv3nile has been approved for. The American specialist has been working with the team since February, leading them to victories in the YFP Winter Classic and Knights Arena Monthly Gauntlet 2022: February, and also led them to the Knights Gauntlet Circuit Monthly 2022: April finals.
The organization also parted ways with Apex, who has been an assistant coach since January 2022. His place will be taken by aRubyz, who previously led the North American team.
TSM also announced the appointment of Itopata to the position of Strategic Analyst. The Bulgarian specialist has spent the last half year at the helm of Wave Esports, leading the team to victories at VCT 2021: Europe Stage 1 Challengers 1 and epic.WAN 32.
The latest addition to the revamped coaching staff is Daeda, who will handle data analytics for the VALORANT and Rainbow Six divisions.
The North American team is currently gearing up for the start of the VALORANT Champions Tour 2022: North America Stage 2 Challengers, which will run online from May 13 to June 26.
From now on, TSM's VALORANT roster is as follows:
- subroza.
- corey.
- Rossy.
- gMd.
- seven.
- Juv3nile (head coach).
- aRubyz (assistant coach).
- Itopata (strategic analyst).
- Daeda (data analyst).