EGW-NewsLoLLEC Players with the Largest Champion Pool

LEC Players with the Largest Champion Pool


I warmly welcome everyone and everyone who is interested in League of Legends esports and those who are just starting to dive into it! By the very, very middle of LEC Summer 2022, the main League of Legends tournament across Europe this year, I decided to make a comparison of the players who have now shown the widest drafts and champion pools. Go!

LEC players with the largest champion pool. Photo 1

Targamas - 9 champions

Our top is opened by this young support straight from G2, who completed their roster even before the spring split. So far, G2 Esports hasn't been doing very well in the group stage, but even so, we saw some great moments from Raphaël " Targamas " Crabbé.

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During this split, he managed to play on: Renate, Lulu, Nami, Senna, Zilean, Rakan, Tarik and Tahm Kench. But perhaps the most interesting, and moreover, the most successful pick for the G2 support was Swain in their first game against Rogue! By the way, this is the only time Swain was taken to the botlane as a support.

And the only thing that is surprising is that he has never shown his signature Pike, whom he loves so much. However, this can be explained by the team's desire for utility-supports, which are now in the meta. Even so, we often saw successful Pike from Astralis' JeongHoon. Perhaps there is still more to come.

LEC players with the largest champion pool. Photo 2

JNX - 9 Champions

Right behind Targamas is Janik " JNX " Bartels, a top liner for SK Gaming. A less successful team than the same G2, but it's understandable. SK as a whole has never claimed to be the top tier team in Europe.

During this split, he managed to play on: Camille, Sion, Gangplank, Kayle, Aatrox, Orn, Silas, Gnar and Shivan. All the picks fit perfectly into the meta, and such a wide selection among all the meta top lane Bruisers and tanks can only say that JNX is quite good in his role. I would pay special attention to the top lane Shivana, who is the only off-meta, but became the best champion for the player in the entire split. Shyvana withFrostfireGauntlet was a good pick even before the item rework, but not popular.

By the way, it is worth noting here that JNX has been playing exclusively on the mid lane for more than 3 years, and only for the last 2 years, together with SK, he occupies the top lane, where he feels no less comfortable.

LEC players with the largest champion pool. Photo 3

Erdote - 9 champions

Another support on our list, but already from the Team BDS team. Robert " Erdote " Nowak, like all previous esportsmen, has already shown us 9 different unique picks. But if with the first two there was a “wide pool = good” situation, then in the BDS outsider team it is more like “bringing over strategies and searching for that very secret draft against which the team’s top shooting range will fall.”

During this split, he managed to play on: Nautilus, Renate, Rakan, Senna, Karma, Tahm Kench, Yumi, Lulu and Zileana. And unlike Targamas, there is no off-meta support here. On the contrary, Erdote prefers the most popular meta. From something unique, he took only the hated cat Yumi, who has 37 bans, breaking away from 2nd place Lucian by as much as 12. But even so, the player managed to play against her once. The most and only successful pick was Karma, with one win and three matches.

LEC players with the largest champion pool. Photo 4

NUCLEARINT - 9 Champions

Another representative of the French Team BDS, with whom the situation is absolutely the same as with his friend above. The variety of peaks is great, but there is not much sense.

During this split, Ilias " NUCLEARINT " Bizriken managed to play on: Akali, Silas, Azira, Sindre, Kog'Mao, Ahri, Talia, Swaine, Le Blanc. And everything is in order, everything is meth, cool. But still, you can't deceive the eye, and the spawn of the abyss of Kog'Mao stands out very strongly in the list. Very rare mid lane pick through ability power. But even so, he managed to deal 57 thousand damage in a 50-minute game, which is not bad, and this made Fnatic tense up. We have already seen such a peak in the player's performance at LEC Spring 2022.

LEC players with the largest champion pool. Photo 5

Trymbi - 8 Champions

The only representative of his Rogue team from the list of "big pools" is Adrian " Trymbi " Trybus. Who becomes the third support. Surely the support role is the most meta-free and less demanding on champions?

During this split, he managed to play on: Renata, Rakan, Serafina, Sorak, Nautilus, Nami, Tarik and... Sejuani? Ohhh… Well, who even thought Trymbi to take Sejuani as a support in the last game against G2, which turned out to be a failure, partly due to this pick. Yes, we've seen the Freljord rider in the top lane before, but Sejuanni in the support role has become something interesting and unique, but not very successful.

LEC players with the largest champion pool. Photo 6

Caps - 8 Champions

Everyone's favorite old caPs from one of the best teams in Europe G2 Esports, as well as the second representative of his team on the list. Rasmus " caPs " Borregaard has already proved everything to everyone, taking MVP many times at LEC Summer 2022. And together with such an extensive pool of champions, this tells us about the Dane's high playing skills.

During this split, he managed to play on: Zoe, Yasuo, Ahri, Swain, Corky, Azira, Silas, Talia. Everything is super, the champions are super useful, meta and strong. Only Zoe and Yasuo stand out. And if the appearance of Zoya can still be explained well by the aggressive style of the midlaner, then the lone wanderer Yasuo has become something of a flex and earning style points. On the second day of the tournament, G2 Esports showed a draft at the same time with two brothers Yasuo and Yone against Rogue and won!

I am sure that by the end of the tournament the pool of this player will expand even more. After all, caPs has both experience and proper skills. I think that against strong teams and important matches, he has preparations with which he can surprise.

LEC players with the largest champion pool. Photo 7

Perkz - 8 Champions

The second midlaner player, but already from Team Vitality. Former player of G2 Esports, whom many people know for his performance in this team. We can say that now Vitality is largely afloat and such a good position in the leaderboard is only thanks to the Croatian Luka " Perkz " Perković.

During this split, he managed to play on: Azira, Corky, Yone, Ahri, Akali, Silas, Orianna, Talia. Absolutely all champions are full meta and successful drafts that Perkz implements perfectly. And even if there might be questions about Yone's one pick, due to the fact that we see him more often in ranked games than professional ones - Perkz knew that he was playing against a weak Team BDS team and wanted to win back from complete domination, which did not quite work out, but the victory still went to Team Vitality.

LEC players with the largest champion pool. Photo 8

Kobbe - 8 champions

The last name in this top and the only ADK who made it to the LEC Summer 2022 “big pools” list at the end of the 5th week of the group stage of the tournament. Dane Kasper " Kobbe " Kobberup from Astralis shows a very competitive game, and in general the team looks much better than before. Yes, it would be hard to argue that the bot lane carry role is one of the poorest in the choice of champions, but we see exceptions.

During this split, he managed to play on: Zeri, Veigar, Shae, Serafina, Twitch, Ash, Jinx. Really very good and well thought out picks. Even if Veigar and Ash seem to be something outside the current meta, they are the ones who brought Kobbe victories and, perhaps, became his best champions at the moment as part of the summer split. By the way, both Ash and Veigara drafted only once each - both for this ADK from Astralis.

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