League of Legends Patch 12.14 Full Preview
As expected, the full preview of the upcoming patch didn't take long. Another very voluminous patch from Riot Games, whichPhroxzonsplit into several parts due to the amount of information. You can read the first part with a change in runes, summoner abilities, dragons and Gangplank in this material.
And in the second, "full" part of the preview of update 12.14, we saw not so large-scale, but no less important balance changes. Wukong's nerf alone is worth it... It is on this patch that World 2022 should take place, because it is a kind of final polish for both the professional scene and the ranked queue.

“We're going to focus on consistency for the rest of the season (barring some unforeseen circumstances) so players can focus on climbing their ranks and heading into the playoffs.
Keep telling us things that don't feel right and you can expect them to be changed,” says Matt Leung-Harrison, aka Phroxzon, aka League of Legends Lead Balance Designer.

Champion Buffs
Here I would like to pay the most attention to Le Blanc, Pantheon and Timo. The fact that everyone hated the hamster was given such a good buff, which is most likely due to the bruzer and the tank meta, which is pushing the yordle out of the top lane. Buff Le Blanc, in turn, does not seem so strong, but extremely pleasant. I think that this may be enough for her to return to the meta, at least on the professional stage. So Faker is already quite rubbing his hands there. Last on the list is the Pantheon. What could be more disgusting than a jungler with a target stun that you can't run from? Only the Pantheon in the forest, which can also cast the Press The Attack rune and finish you off with its spear. Hundreds of years of collective game design have left the chat.
[Q-WarriorSpear]increased damage against forest monsters: 70% >>> 105%
Jarvan IV
[Q-DragonStrike]Increased Attack Power Damage Bonus: 120% >> 140%
[E-DemacianStandard]Cooldown: 12 >>> 12-10
Mana Regen on Level Up: 20 >>> 25
Cast range increased: 400/650/900 >>> 600/750/900
Ability Power Damage Bonus: 50% >>> 55%
Mana Cost: 75 >>> 75/55/35
Mana Cost: 65-85 >>> 55-75
Skill Cooldown: 15-11 >>> 14-10
Le Blanc
Base Mana: 334 >>> 400
Mana increase per level: 50 >>> 55
[W-Warp]damage increased: 75-215 >>> 75-235
Base attack damage: 59 >>> 62

Champion Nerfs
Yumi is deservedly getting a little nerf considering the efficiency of this little cat for so little effort. Renata and Sivir are also getting some minor balance adjustment nerfs. But who got much stronger, so it's Serafina in the bot lane, Zeri and Gnar. Lately, we've started to see a lot of Serfina's pick as ADK, who was making a very safe lane. So, Riot Games decided to kill her not only as an ADC, but also as a support. I don't like this nerf. Gnar and Zeri got their nerfs due to their dominance in the pro scene. I don't think it will kill their pick rate, but it will level them against other champions.
Minion damage reduced: 80 >>> 65%
New: Ricochet now instantly finishes off minions below 15 health.
[E-Chase]AP bonus decreased by 35 >>> 30%
Reduced AP Shield Bonus: 35 >>> 25%
Heal percentage reduced: 0.6% of missing health per 100 ability power >>> 0.4% of missing health per 100 ability power
Base health: 580 >>> 540
Health regen per level: 1.75 >>> 1.25
Auto attacks (right click) now execute enemies below 60-150 health (+18%)
[R-ShortCircuit]Damage per Attack reduced: 10/15/20 (+15% Ability Power) >>> 5/10/15 (+15% Ability Power)
Renata Glask
Base health: 595 >>> 545
Base attack damage: 51 >>> 49

Champion Rebalancing
Worlds did not pass, as we waited for an adequate nerf for Wukong. Riot Games, however, was confused by his 100% presence in almost the entire continental league. There are also other nerfs for champions with self-healing, like Aatrox and red Kain. Healing now has a lot more weight than before, so the weakening is quite justified, but as compensation, they threw in additional health. Jeanne continues to be weakened, because despite several nerfs, she still feels too strong in Solo Q.
Health regen: 2.5 health per 5 levels >>> 3.5 health per 5 levels
[PassiveSkill-Stoneskin]Health Regeneration per Skill Stack: 0.5% Max Health >>> 0.35% Max Health
Health Growth Per Level: 104 >>> 114
[E-DarkRush]Healing: 18-26% >>> 18-24%
[R-WorldDestroyer]Healing: 25-55% >>> 25-45%
Raast (red form of Cain)
Health Growth Per Level: 99 >>> 109
Passive healing from damage dealt against champions: 25-35% >>> 20-30%
Healing/Shield Bonus: 20% >>> 15%
Shield Durability: 65-165 >>> 75-175
Healing Per Second: 90-200 (+45% Ability Power) >>> 100-200 (+50% Ability Power)
Gameplay nerfs
Defiant Smite (Red)
Damage reduction when used on a champion reduced: 20% >>> 10%
Aegis of the Sun Flame
Obliterate Damage: 12-30 (+1% bonus health) >>> 15 (+1.5% bonus health)
Chempank Knife
Total cost: 2600 >>> 2800