EGW-NewsLoLPatch 12.14: Teleport nerf, Gangplank rebalance and more
Patch 12.14: Teleport nerf, Gangplank rebalance and more

Patch 12.14: Teleport nerf, Gangplank rebalance and more

For a couple of days now, more and more information has appeared about the changes that await us in the upcoming League of Legends update. Patch 12.14 will be the next, once again, fairly massive rebalancing in Summoner's Rift. We are expecting, as well as a rather significant rebalance of the runes, as well as edits to neutral objects on the map and nowhere without mini-reworks of champions. It is assumed that it is on this patch that the Worlds 2022 championship will be held.

Patch 12.14: Teleport nerf, Gangplank rebalance and more. Photo 1

Today, July 19th, League of Legends Chief Balance Designer posted a tweet on his Twitter, where he indicated all the changes that await us. But the numbers and directions are known so far only regarding the spells of the interrupter Teleport with Exhaustion, change for Gangplank and objects on the map, along with runes. Most likely, Matt Leung-Harrison will make a couple more posts where he will describe other points of this patch in more detail.

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Runes, teleport and dragons!

And also some other gameplay changes, outside of champion balance

Phroxzon positions this very significant part of the patch as something that is aimed mainly at the professional scene. By the way, it is this patch that should become the “final” touch in preparing the balance for the Worlds 2022 World Cup.

Generally speaking, nerfs went through most of the runes with the possibility of healing, gaining armor and more tankiness. And the runes from the red branch with lethality and magical penetration, on the contrary, strengthen.

Such changes are quite logical, given several previous patches, starting with the "Tempering of Champions", which fundamentally changed the game, making everyone more hardy and tanky. The murderers suffered from this - so they are being raised. Bruisers have become too strong, and the healing has become much more tangible - it's all nerfed.

Of the breaker spells, only Teleport and Exhaustion have been changed. The teleporter was given a full minute cooldown, now, before the upgrade, the ability will have a cooldown of 420 seconds, instead of 360. Weakened another spell in the early game, Exhaust, reducing the damage reduction from a stable 40% to 30% - 40% (champ levels 1 - 9). This rebalancing of summoner spells will have a huge impact on the popularity of Ignite, which we will see in the top lane many times more often.

But dragons, starting with the new patch, will become a much more important part of the game. Increasesfrom gain from each type of dragon will increase by as much as a third. That is, now, having killed two dragons of the same type, the gain will be like for three, which cannot but affect the game. In addition, for all types of dragons, the stock and increase in health were increased, while damage and attack power, on the contrary, were lowered. The Greold of the Abyss will now give much more gold to those who helped with his murder: the same 100 gold for the killer of the Herald remains, but there will also be a bonus up to 200 gold on top, depending on how many players helped. And the second summoned Herald of the Abyss will have as much as 75% more health. Gee! The role of the jungler at this rate will become the most influential in the game.

Gangplank and critical assembly

The steel pirate will have to say goodbye to lethality

The second rather tangible change was Gangplank's mini-rework. Phroxzon felt it would be better to make him into some sort of late game champion, which led to early game nerfs.

Basic characteristics

Health: 640 >>> 600

Health Growth Per Level: 104>>>114

Base armor: 35 >>> 31

Passive - Trial by Fire

Damage: 55-310 (+100% bonus AD) >>> 55-310 (+100% bonus AD)(+250% Critical Hit Chance)

[Q]- Arrment

Base damage: 20/45/70/95/120 >>> 10/40/70/100/130

[E]- Powder Keg

Slow: 40%-80% >>> 30%-60% (+0.25% per 1% critical chance at all levels)

Base damage: 80/105/130/155/180 >>> 75/105/135/165/195

Bonus Damage on Crit: 25% >>> 10%

A very, very controversial champion rework, in my opinion. Yes, he was obviously nerfed in the early game, but it's hard to say that he got any power in the late game or at 100% crit build. It will have a big impact that Gangplank has been heavily reduced in bonus damage on a critical hit with Powder Keg. It seems to me that this will just kill the champion for a while.

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