Take a look at Japan's first Hearthstone TV Commercial
Japan has published their first Hearthstone TV Commercial as of recently. If you don’t natively speak the language, it will probably be a bit confusing, or even funny at times.
I think we get the basics of it. This guy, who I think we can assume is Legend rank, is well respected by his co-workers or employees, until he crosses paths with someone who we can assume has beaten him at some point, and the two switch places. The apprentice has become the master, so to speak, or in this case, the Legend. In terms of advertisement marketing, this ad does a surprisingly good job of convincing people that Hearthstone is for them. For starters, the woman who eventually gains the guy’s respect appears to be young and not very high on the corporate ladder. In a nutshell, this is not only an ad for Hearthstone, but also a convincing nudge that the game is for anybody, and everybody can be good at it if they try.
Either way, I hope you enjoyed the video. Back to the office!