A Look at Top Tier: Control Warrior
After Fibonacci’s N’Zoth warrior took 3rd on the NA Standard ladder, and it has certainly caught on. Pavel has also been running this deck, which includes more of a Dragon synergy deck style, which seems to do very well against both aggro and control decks alike.
This deck includes just about every Warrior card that works well against early game aggression, including Fiery War Axe, Slam, Execute, Shield Slam and even Alexstrasza’s Champion. The last card is an interesting tech choice, but it is one that works surprisingly well against aggro. It can destroy, say, a Feral Spirit wolf, and still live with enough health to trade with the next one. Assuming tech choices are made well, and the early game is able to be sustained through, the absolute late game powerhouse that Warrior has always been comes into play. There isn’t a single minion in this deck above a 5-drop that isn’t a legendary, and for a good reason. Cards like Cairne Bloodhoof, Sylvannas, and Chillmaw are even more powerful when re – summoned by N’Zoth. Normally, this deck would be considered greedy, but the value that you can get from weapons like Fiery War Axe for just one card can carry you gently into the late game, and the face damage you take isn’t anything a few Hero Power uses can patch up.
Another reason this deck is so strong is because its early game is the only particularly difficult part of the match. Late game is pretty straightforward, and even against Flamewreathed Facelesses, this deck thrives both against aggro and control alike.
Some tech choices include Ragnaros and a Doomsayer. Ragnaros can get some serious value and even set up for a win condition if used properly, but it lacks synergy with Dragons and N’Zoth, making it a bit of a one – hit wonder. Doomsayer should be used if you are having problems against aggro. It can delay face damage, or even prevent a play if used early enough. It can essentially heal you for 7 or more, especially if your opponent is forced to clear it without an efficient way of doing so. Even if it is killed when the intent was to board clear, keep in mind that that was just 7 damage that went nowhere instead of your face, giving you another turn to get out the late game powerhouses or even save up mana for a Brawl.
Overall, this is very healthy for the Meta – it is no longer aggro dominated. We now have discovered a control centered, late game, greedy deck that still performs well against aggro decks. Suddenly, playing aggro isn’t free ladder points anymore, and they have a new force to be reckoned with. For now, go out and try out this deck on your own. It can certainly help you ladder, especially if mixed with a bit of Tempo Warrior play (which, if I may add, is still considered top tier).