Accidental Reveals: New Hearthstone Expansion Hints Emerge from Blizzard's Own Store
It can be frustrating when a major game announcement is spoiled by a retailer's leak, as was the case with Bethesda and the Rage 2 announcement. However, an even more vexing situation can occur when your own merchandise store inadvertently reveals your game plans.
That's what appears to have taken place with the upcoming Hearthstone expansion. As observed and documented by Hearthpwn, a t-shirt featuring "Hearthstone: Showdown in the Badlands" mysteriously surfaced on the official Blizzard store.
The "Badlands", as described in the Warcraft lore, is a harsh and barren region in Khaz Modan, where only the toughest creatures can survive. It is typically associated with the Horde, but the Alliance also has a presence in this unforgiving landscape. Judging by its description, there doesn't seem to be much of value for either side due to its harsh conditions.
Although the leaked listing, which has since been removed, doesn't provide specific details about the presumed new Hearthstone expansion, the artwork on the t-shirt might offer some clues. The design is a nod to "American Gothic", an iconic 1930 painting by Grant Wood, often parodied and recognized as a reflection of the resilience of rural farmers in the American Midwest. Such a theme wouldn't be out of place in a Hearthstone interpretation of the Badlands.

Following this leak, the official Hearthstone Twitter account dropped another hint: silhouettes of spurred boots. When combined with the leaked t-shirt image (not to mention the cacti in the Showdown in the Badlands logo), it strongly suggests that an expansion inspired by the Old West and the American Frontier may be on the horizon.
It's likely that Blizzard will remain tight-lipped until BlizzCon, which is just a few weeks away and will take place in person at the Anaheim Convention Center on November 3.