Paver won the fight against a $ 1,260,000 mining farm
An interesting case occurred in the city of Miri when the Malaysian police decided to resort to radical solutions. Yet another cryptoasset hunters who believe that all means are good for obtaining funds were caught by the Malaysian police. Law enforcement officers from the city of Miri discovered a group of miners who, in order to achieve their goals, illegally connected to the power supply system and stole electricity. While mining crypto assets, miners stole $ 2,000,000 of electricity from the state. The theft took place between February and April of this year.
After the police seized equipment worth $ 1,260,000 from the crypt miners in six raids, it was decided to destroy all computer equipment using an asphalt paver. In addition, the criminals received heavy fines and were sentenced to imprisonment. The terms of their imprisonment will be eight months.
The energy supplier complained to the police about the illegal use of large amounts of electricity. Law enforcement officers were able to prove that six out of eight suspected defendants in the case were indeed guilty of committing theft. The fate of the other two miners is currently unknown.