No autoclickers: Blizzard will ban players using third-party software in World of Warcraft
Blizzard Enternainment will soon tighten its rules. We are talking about those who like to use programs for automatic leveling of characters and play in several windows, which may soon lose their accounts.
Blizzard Commentary
“World of Warcraft is evolving rapidly, and our rules are changing with it. These changes support the quality of the game and help us respond to the needs of the players. We looked at how the game uses third-party programs that allow reproducing a keystroke or action in other game clients, and came to the conclusion that these programs negatively affect the game, contributing to the proliferation of bot characters and automating the gameplay. We will soon introduce penalties for using programs that copy keystrokes to other WoW clients. We believe that this rule is in the interests of our players and will have a beneficial effect on the game's balance. "
The so-called multiboxing is still available. Players can still log into the game from multiple windows and play multiple characters alone. However, the automated process of such activities will soon have to be abandoned.