World of Warcraft Unearths Hidden Grom Hellscream Easter Egg Linked to Iconic Gorehowl Axe
Some World of Warcraft enthusiasts have stumbled upon an intriguing easter egg involving the Gorehowl axe, revealing the spirit of Grom Hellscream occasionally making an appearance. However, summoning this hidden gem entails a specific set of conditions that players must meet in the game.
Gorehowl, the legendary axe once wielded by Grom Hellscream, former chieftain of the Warsong clan and later by his son Garrosh, gained prominence in Patch 10.1.5's "Fractures in Time". During this time-twisting adventure in the Dawn of the Infinite megadungeon, players had the opportunity to obtain a high-resolution version of Gorehowl, distinct from the older model wielded by Prince Malchezaar or the corrupted version from Garrosh in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.
Now, fortunate players who possess this iconic weapon have unearthed a fascinating easter egg tied to it. If a player has Gorehowl, Might of the Warchief equipped or stored in their inventory, the spirit of Grom Hellscream may occasionally materialize and salute their character. However, there are specific prerequisites for triggering this phenomenon. Players must belong to the Orc or Mag’har Orc races and be aligned with the Warsong clan, accomplished through World of Warcraft’s Orc Heritage Armor questline.
The apparition of the legendary World of Warcraft character's spirit seems to have no limitations on where it can manifest, and the trigger appears to be random. Equipping Gorehowl as a transmog over an existing weapon can also activate this interaction, much like how Legion artifacts can trigger their unique interactions. It's possible that there are other undisclosed prerequisites or factors at play in this easter egg, but if they exist, they remain undiscovered.
Fans naturally greeted this discovery with excitement. Grom Hellscream ranks among the most beloved Orc characters in Warcraft lore, and many players opted to play Arms Warriors to emulate him. With the addition of the new Siege of Orgrimmar raid skip in World of Warcraft, coupled with the availability of Gorehowl, players now have the opportunity to easily outfit their characters to resemble either Hellscream without much difficulty.
The world of World of Warcraft continues to evolve, and axe enthusiasts have more to look forward to in Patch 10.2, "Guardians of the Dream". This update introduces Fyr’alath, the Dream Render, a legendary two-handed weapon that drops from Fyrakk in the Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope raid. This fiery Strength weapon is destined to become a must-have for Warriors, Death Knights, and Paladins. Although the exact statistics and acquisition method for this weapon remain unknown, players can anticipate earning this legendary axe once the next World of Warcraft content update is live in a few months.