Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 is seeking inspiration from the narrative design of Baldur's Gate 3, as well as its tabletop role-playing origins
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 faces a challenging task. It is a sequel to the cult classic RPG from 2004, created by Troika Games, which is now remembered with nostalgia. However, Bloodlines 2 has the responsibility not only to capture the spirit of the original but also to make its mark in a year filled with excellent RPGs.
In an interview with Aron Le Bray, the narrative designer at The Chinese Room (TCR) and a former Bioware employee with extensive experience, the team's goal is to find inspiration in contemporary sources, such as Baldur's Gate 3. They are exploring what elements they can incorporate without compromising the level of storytelling.
Le Bray emphasizes the importance of making the narrative an integral part of the gameplay. They aim to give players a sense of influence over the story and events, despite the challenges posed by projects like Baldur's Gate 3.
Bloodlines 2 has faced numerous development challenges, including changing studios and transitioning to the action RPG genre, which presents additional hurdles for The Chinese Room.
The game also draws inspiration from the tabletop roots of Vampire: The Masquerade (VTM). They aim to respect the contract between players and the "Storyteller," an equivalent to the Dungeon Master in Dungeons & Dragons. This tabletop influence helps create open-ended narratives and maintain the game's atmosphere.
In conclusion, TCR considers the moral choices in games and aims to avoid a clear-cut division between "good" and "bad." Instead, they strive to create a morally gray world where players can feel internal conflicts, in line with the spirit of VTM.
The game faces numerous complex challenges, but its developers are determined to capture the atmosphere of the original while adding their unique contribution to the genre. It remains to be seen whether they can inherit the essence of great RPGs when Bloodlines 2 rises from the dead.