The latest update of GTA Online resulted in the removal of over 180 vehicles
In the latest update of the game GTA Online, a clean-up was conducted, resulting in the removal of numerous "less frequently used" vehicles, with some of them now available only through a paid subscription.
Prior to the release of the San AndreasMercenaries update, the developers at Rockstar confirmed that certain vehicles would be removed from the in-game store. However, it was unclear which vehicles would be removed and what would happen to them.
Thanks to the efforts of fans who compiled a list of missing cars, it has been revealed that nearly 200 vehicles have been removed from regular sale in GTA Online. Rockstar explained that this decision was made to "streamline the purchasing process."
Although these vehicles will "occasionally be available through other means," the news has sparked dissatisfaction among the GTA Online community due to the inadequate communication from Rockstar regarding the changes and removal of content that, in some cases, has been present since the game's launch in 2013.
Furthermore, it has been discovered that some of these vehicles are now accessible only to subscribers of the GTA Online+ service, meaning that content which was previously available to all players through in-game currency is now restricted to those who pay a monthly fee.
It is important to note that if a player subscribes and purchases these vehicles, they will still have access to the content even after the subscription expires.