#helpflow: Double Dimension player has been diagnosed with cancer
Double Dimension player, Alexander «Flow» Sazonov, was diagnosed with mediastinal tumor, a cancer tumor with poor prognosis. At the beginning of February, the player will have a surgery that costs about 2,000,000 RUB (about $35,000).
Official announcement with the payment details of the player:
«At the beginning of February, Aleksandr will get a surgery, he will be cut out the tumor. Currently, it has 21sm in diameter. It pressures heart, lunges, and bronchus. The surgery is complicated, and there are too many risks. The surgery itself is free, but the labs, drugs, rehabilitation – all these costs too much. Besides, we don’t know whether the surgery will be successful enough as the player may need an additional round of chemo and several more surgeries. It’s hard to tell how much the treatment will cost, but the doctors tell it will be about 2 000 000 RUB. Sasha did not want to ask the community for a help until recently, but the lack of money forces him to do that.
So let’s put our efforts together and help Sasha to beat the disease, as the playing community is one of the most cohesive ones.
Sasha will be grateful for any help – repost, some money, or words for support.
Sperbank: 676196000095744828, recipient - Александр Сергеевич С. / Aleksandr Sergeevich S.Tinkofff: 4377 7200 0012 8025QIWI: +79661573434PayPal:
It’s obvious that the player has been moved to reserve for an unlimited period.
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