


The developers of Dota 2 released the global update, which had received the number 7.06. Few items, most of the heroes were reworked in the patch and, once again, the work on the balance of the game was done.



  • Creep denies now grant the denying team 30% of the XP bounty
  • Normal deny XP increased from 50% to 70%



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  • Shrines now start on cooldown and become available at 5 minutes

  • Reduced Shrine count in base from 5 to 3

  • Shrines mana regeneration growth per minute reduced from 1 to 0.75


    • Added an extra melee creep in mid lane for the first 15 minutes

  • Creeps meet a bit closer to the offlane tower

  • Creep aggro duration reduced from 2.5 to 2.3

  • Creep aggro cooldown increased from 2.5 to 3.0

  • Lane creeps vision reduced from 850/800 to 750


    • Neutrals now spawn every minute instead of every 2 minutes
    • Neutrals now give 20% less XP and Gold
    • Neutrals XP and Gold now increased by 2% every 7.5 minutes


    • Siege damage type vs structures increased from 150% to 250%

  • Siege creeps HP increased from 550 to 825

  • Siege creeps spawn rate reduced from every 7th wave to every 10th wave

  • Extra Ranged/Siege creeps now spawn at 40 minutes instead of 45


    • All hero strength growth increased by 0.3
    • Regeneration coming from strength increased from 0.03 HP per point of Strength to 0.06
    • Reduced base HP regen by 0.25
    • Intelligence's Spell Amplification from 1% per 15 to 1% per 14
    • Mana per point of Intelligence reduced from 12 to 11
    • Base mana increased from 50 to 75


    • Reduced melee creeps base XP bounty from 45 to 40
    • Reduced melee creep gold bounty upgrade from 3 gold per cycle to 1 gold per cycle
    • Melee/Ranged Barracks team bounty reduced from 275/225 to 225/150 to each player
    • Roshan team bounty reduced from 200 to 150
    • Shrine team bounty from reduced 150 to 125
    • Death cost from 100 + NW/50 to 50 + NW/40
    • Tier 3 Tower Team Bounty from 240 to 200
    • Tier 4 Tower Team Bounty from 280 to 200


    • Illusion gold/XP bounty from 5 + Level to 2 * Level

  • Illusion building damage reduction from 50% to 60%

  • Buyback cooldown increased from 7 minutes to 8 minutes

  • Roshan now drops cheese from the second death instead of the third

  • Roshan armor bonus per upgrade interval increased from 1.1 to 1.3

  • Powerup Runes now spawn different runes on both sides of the river after 40 minutes

  • Uphill miss chance no longer applies to flying units

  • Fixed various pathing issues with the bottom Dire creeps between Tier 1 and Tier 2

  • Towers bonus armor based on nearby enemy heroes AoE increased from 1400 to 1600


    Replaced all 42 Respawn Talents in the game

    • Warlock: Summons a Golem on death (Level 20)

  • Pudge: +1s Dismember Duration (Level 20)

  • Magnus: +500 Skewer Range (Level 25)

  • Lone Druid: +50% Spirit Bear Magic Resistance (Level 20)

  • Lina: +40 Movement Speed (Level 15)

  • Enigma: +1 Malefice Instance (Level 20)

  • Earthshaker: +350 Fissure Range (Level 20)

  • Clockwerk: +40 Battery Assault Damage (Level 20)

  • Bristleback: +10% Spell Lifesteal (Level 20)

  • Earth Spirit: Geomagnetic Grip Targets Allies 

  • Enchantress: +6% Impetus Damage (Level 25)

  • Brewmaster: +2s Thunderlap Slow (Level 20)

  • Beastmaster: +1 Boar Summoned (Level 15)

  • Zeus: +0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun (Level 20)

  • Lycan: +12 Feral HP Regen (Level 15)

  • Crystal Maiden: +50 Freezing Field Damage (Level 20)

  • Shadow Shaman: +4 Wards Summoned (Level 20)

  • Visage: Soul Assumption Double Strike 

  • Winter Wyvern: +1s Cold Embrace Duration (Level 20)

  • Witch Doctor: +2 Cask Bounces (Level 15)

  • Legion Commander: +10% Moment Proc Chance (Level 20)

  • Keeper of the Light: +300 Chakra Magic Mana (Level 15)

  • Dazzle: +25 Poison Touch DPS (Level 20)

  • Treant: +40 Leech Seed Damage/Heal (Level 25)

  • Sand King: -50 Epicenter Attack Slow (Level 15)

  • Venomancer: +14% Poison Sting Slow (Level 25)

  • Ancient Apparition: +8% Ice Vortex Slow/Resistance (Level 20)

  • Chen: +1000 Creep Health (Level 20)

  • Disruptor: +40 Thunder Strike Damage (Level 15)

  • Elder Titan: +200 Mana (Level 10)

  • Io: Tether Stuns (Level 25)

  • Jakiro: Macropyre Pure and Pierces Immunity (Level 25)

  • Lion: +75 Cast Range (Level 10)

  • Nature's Prophet: Removed Teleportation Cooldown (Level 25)

  • Oracle: +0.75s Fortune's End Max Duration (Level 10)

  • Phoenix: +20% XP Gain (Level 10)

  • Pugna: +1s Decrepify Duration (Level 15)

  • Shadow Demon: -1.5s Shadow Poison Cooldown (Level 20)

  • Spirit Breaker: +30% Greater Bash Damage (Level 20)

  • Templar Assassin: -8 Meld Armor Reduction (Level 25)

  • Undying: +15 Health Regeneration (Level 10)

  • Techies: +250 Attack Damage (Level 25)


    Aether Lens

    • Aether Lens Spell Amplification increased from 5 to 6%
    • Reworked Aether Lens recipe

    Blade Mail

    • Cooldown increased from 18 to 20

    Blight Stone

    • No longer a Unique Attack Modifier


    • Cooldown increased from 14 to 18


    • Cost reduced from 660 to 650


    • Recipe cost reduced from 190 to 175


    • Clarity buff is now purgeable

    Crimson Guard

    • Crimson Guard duration increased from 10 to 12


    • Damage increased from 76 to 80


    • Now instantly kills illusions

    Demon Edge

    • Cost reduced from 2400 to 2200
    • Damage reduced from 46 to 42


    • No longer a Unique Attack Modifier

    Enchanted Mango

    • Cost reduced from 110 to 100
    • Cannot be sold, must be consumed

    Faerie Fire

    • Cost reduced from 75 to 70

    Force Staff

    • Reworked Force Staff recipe

    Hurricane Pike

    • Gains +2 health regen (from force staff changes above)

    Hand of Midas

    • Recipe cost increased from 1550 to 1650

  • XP multiplier increased from 1.75x to 1.85x

  • Gold bonus reduced from 220 to 200

  • Healing Salve

    • Healing Salve buff is now purgeable

    Heart of Tarrasque

    • Now requires a second Vitality Booster instead of the 1400 recipe
    • Strength bonus reduced from 45 to 40
    • Health bonus increased from 250 to 500

    Heaven's Halberd

    • Can no longer be dispelled by Spell Immunity

    Helm of the Dominator

    • Now uses a Ring of Health instead of an 800 gold recipe
    • Health regeneration increased from 8 to 10

    Mask of Madness

    • Requires a Quarterstaff instead of a 700 gold recipe
    • Provides +20 Damage and +10 Attack Speed
    • Berserk active attack speed bonus reduced from +120 to +110
    • Can now be disassembled

    Morbid Mask

    • Cost reduced from 1200 to 1100
    • Bonus damage reduced from +15 to +10

    Solar Crest

    • Solar Crest Armor Addition/Removal reduced from 12 to 10
    • Solar Crest on enemies changed from 25% Miss chance on target to 25% Truestrike chance on attackers

    Moon Shard

    • Moon Shard now gives half of the bonus night vision when consumed


    • Demonic Summoning duration increased from 40 to 45

    Observer Ward

    • Cost reduced from 65 to 60 (allows for different starting item combinations)


    • Radiance damage on illusions reduced from 40 to 35

    Refresher Orb

    • Refresh now replenishes charge-based abilities

    Rod of Atos

    • Reworked Rod of Atos recipe


    • Recipe cost reduced by 100


    • Recipe cost reduced by 100
    • Attack Speed reduced from 15 to 10

    Manta Style

    • Recipe cost increased by 100

    Scythe of Vyse

    • Cooldown reduced from 25 to 22

    Shiva's Guard

    • Recipe cost increased from 600 to 650

    Silver Edge

    • Recipe cost increased from 500 to 700

    Soul Ring

    • Now requires a Mango instead of a 150 recipe

    Urn of Shadows

    • Urn of Shadows heal now acts as proper regeneration (like Salve), rather than healing at frequent interval ticks
    • Reworked Urn of Shadows recipe



    • Unstable Concoction cooldown increased from 16 to 22/20/18/16
    • Unstable Concoction AoE increased from 175 to 200
    • Greevil's Greed base bonus gold reduced from 6/8/10/12 to 4
    • Greevil's Greed bonus per stack increased from 3 to 4
    • Greevil's Greed bonus cap rescaled from 12/20/28/36 to 16/20/24/28

    Ancient Apparition

    • Attack range increased from 600 to 675
    • Ice Vortex movement modifier has a positive effect on Ancient Apparition
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +8% Ice Vortex Slow/Resistance (Level 20)


    • Reworked Scepter on Axe. Causes Battle Hunger to reduce enemy total damage output by 30%. Applies Battle Hunger on enemy heroes within a 700 AoE after a successful Culling Blade.


    • Reworked Bane's Scepter. Causes Brain Sap to have a 1.5 second cooldown. Pierces Spell Immunity.
    • Bane Agi/Int growth increased by 0.3, matching new strength growth
    • Fiend's Grip deals damage every 0.5 seconds instead of every 1.0


    • Wild Axes cast range increased from 1300 to 1500
    • Wild Axes manacost rescaled from 120 to 105/110/115/120
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +1 Boar Summoned (Level 15)


    • Bloodrite cooldown from 25/21/17/13 to 18/16/14/12
    • Bloodrite cast point reduced from 0.4 to 0.3

    Bounty Hunter

    • Fixed Shuriken Toss Scepter interrupting the chain if one of the targets is Spell Immune


    • Drunken Haze cast point reduced from 0.3 to 0.2
    • Drunken Haze duration increased from 4 to 4.5
    • Hurl Boulder cast point reduced from 0.4 to 0.25
    • Drunken Brawler crit increased from 200% to 230%
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +2s Thunderlap Slow (Level 20)


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +10% Spell Lifesteal (Level 20)

    Chaos Knight

    • Reality Rift cast point reduced from 0.4 to 0.3
    • Reality Rift cooldown from 24/18/12/6 to 18/14/10/6
    • Chaos Strike lifesteal from 65% to 75%
    • Phantasm Illusion damage taken from 200% to 260%


    • Holy Persuasion cooldown reduced from 30/26/22/18 to 10
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +1000 Creep Health (Level 20)


    • Death Pact cooldown increased from 45/30/15 to 85
    • Death Pact duration increased from 35 to 65


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +40 Battery Assault Damage (Level 20)

    Crystal Maiden

    • Freezing Field cooldown rescaled from 90 to 110/100/90
    • Fixed Scepter Freezing Field not interrupting targets
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +50 Freezing Field Damage (Level 20)

    Dark Seer

    • Wall of Replica slow rescaled from 1 second to 0.6/0.8/1.0


    • Reworked Dazzle's Scepter. Causes Shallow Grave to be a 450 AoE spell.
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +25 Poison Touch DPS (Level 20)


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +40 Thunder Strike Damage (Level 15)


    • Scorched Earth healing/damage rescaled from 10/20/30/40 to 16/24/32/40
    • Devour manacost rescaled from 60 to 40/50/60/70
    • Removed critical strike from the small wolves in the jungle, attack damage increased by the same amount

    Dragon Knight

    • Elder Dragon Form Frost attack slow increased from -20% to -30%

    Drow Ranger

    • Frost Arrows are no longer a Unique Attack Modifier

    Earth Spirit

    • Replaced Respawn Talent: Geomagnetic Grip Targets Allies


    • Enchant Totem has True Strike
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +350 Fissure Range (Level 20)

    Elder Titan

    • Astral Spirit hero bonus damage increased from 12/24/36/48 to 15/30/45/60
    • Earth Splitter radius increased from 300 to 315
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +200 Mana (Level 10)


    • Base Intelligence increased by 2
    • Enchant slow duration from 5.5 seconds to 2.25/3.5/4.75/6
    • Enchant slow from 20/30/40/50% to 55%
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +6% Impetus Damage (Level 25)


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +1 Malefice Instance (Level 20)

    Faceless Void

    • Time Dilation slow per affected cooldown increased from 10% to 14%


    • Movement speed increased from 315 to 320
    • Homing Missile initial delay reduced from 3 to 2.5 seconds


    • Life Break leap speed increased from 1000 to 1200
    • Life Break Damage dealt/taken from 35% to 34/38/42%


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: Tether Stuns (Level 25)


    • Dual Breath start radius increased from 200 to 225
    • Dual Breath end radius increased from 250 to 275
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: Macropyre Pure and Pierces Immunity (Level 25)

    Keeper of the Light

    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +300 Chakra Magic Mana (Level 15)


    • Ghost Ship now always crashes where Kunkka targets it

    Legion Commander

    • Overwhelming Odds manacost from 100 to 100/110/120/130
    • Duel Scepter now additionally grants Spell Immunity to your hero during Duel
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +10% Moment Proc Chance (Level 20)


    • Reworked Leshrac's Scepter. While Pulse Nova is active, every 1.75 seconds Lightning Storm will hit one random unit within 750 AoE. Prioritizes heroes.


    • Chain Frost slow increased from 50% to 65%


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +40 Movement Speed (Level 15)


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +75 Cast Range (Level 10)

    Lone Druid

    • Rabid attack speed increased from 10/20/30/40 to 20/30/40/50
    • Rabid duration rescaled from 18/22/26/30 to 25
    • Rabid cooldown reduced from 45 to 35
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +50% Spirit Bear Magic Resistance (Level 20)


    • Lucent Beam cast animation reduced from 0.6 to 0.5


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +12 Feral HP Regen (Level 15)


    • Movement speed reduced from 315 to 310

  • Reworked Magnus's Scepter. Shockwave comes back, hitting units a second time and applying a 60% slow for 2 seconds. Distance and travel speed are increased by 50%. Return wave deals half damage to creeps.

  • Reverse Polarity no longer lasts an extra 0.75/1/1.25 seconds on creeps

  • Replaced Respawn Talent: +500 Skewer Range (Level 25)

  • Level 25 Talent from -4s Shockwave Cooldown to +15 Armor

  • Medusa

    • Added Scepter for Medusa. Causes Mystic Snake to turn enemies into stone for 1 second. Increases by 0.2 seconds per bounce.


    • Mirana base damage increased by 3
    • Starstorm second impact delay reduced from 1 to 0.8
    • Leap speed bonus reduced from 10 seconds to 5
    • Leap attack speed bonus increased from 8/16/24/32 to 16/32/48/64

    Monkey King

    • Wukong's Command no longer provides 50/70/90 bonus damage
    • Wukong's Command provides you with 8/14/20 bonus armor
    • Wukong's Command army no longer copy Basher/Abyssal
    • Wukong's Command attack rate improved from 2.0 to 1.7
    • Fixed Monkey King carrying Urn of Shadows sometimes wasting charges while Wukong's Command is ongoing
    • Fixed Tree Jump causing Monkey King to temporarily have bigger vision than the defined day/night values


    • Adaptive Strike manacost rescaled from 100/90/80/70 to 80

    Naga Siren

    • Song of the Siren cast time increased from 0.8 to 1.0

  • Song of the Siren cooldown rescaled from 180/120/60 to 160/120/80

  • Song of the Siren range rescaled from 1250 to 1000/1200/1400

  • Mirror Image Illusion damage taken rescaled from 600/500/400/300% to 550/500/450/400%

  • Rip Tide damage increased from 100/140/180/220 to 120/160/200/240

  • Ensnare cast point reduced from 0.65 to 0.6

  • Ensnare manacost rescaled from 90/100/110/120 to 100

  • Nature's Prophet

    • Replaced Respawn Talent: Removed Teleportation Cooldown (Level 25)


    • Ghost Shroud heal amplification increased from 50% to 75%

    Night Stalker

    • Hunter in the Night can now be activated during the night to grant Night Stalker flying movement for 2 seconds. Cooldown 26/22/18/14. Mana cost 50. 1200 Vision.


    • Fortune's End is now a root rather than a slow that sets the target to 0 movement speed
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +0.75s Fortune's End Max Duration (Level 10)
    • Fortune's End projectile speed from 1200 to 1000
    • Purifying Flames cast range from 800 to 850

    Outworld Devourer

    • Reworked Outworld Devourer's Scepter. Grants 2 charges to Astral Imprisonment and increases cast range by 300. Damage areas stack. Replenish Time: 12

    Phantom Lancer

    • Fixed Doppleganger Illusions lasting one second less than intended
    • Phantom Rush agility bonus is now granted before the first hit lands, rather than after
    • Juxtapose max illusions increased from 5/7/9 to 6/8/10


    • Fire Spirits duration increased from 16 to 20
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +20% XP Gain (Level 10)


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +1s Dismember Duration (Level 20)


    • Life Drain now grants truesight vision over the target
    • Life Drain cast range reduced from 900/1050/1200 to 800
    • Life Drain now has a 100 range break buffer
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +1s Decrepify Duration (Level 15)

    Queen of Pain

    • Queen of Pain Level 25 Talent from No Shadow Strike cooldown to 550 AoE Shadow Strike


    • Eye of the Storm prioritizes striking static linked heroes
    • Eye of the Storm no longer has a cast point


    • Base movement speed reduced by 5

    Sand King

    • Caustic Finale is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
    • Sand Storm invisbility linger duration rescaled from 1.5 to 0.9/1.1/1.3/1.5
    • Sand Storm DPS rescaled from 25/50/75/100 to 40/60/80/100
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: -50 Epicenter Attack Slow (Level 15)

    Shadow Demon

    • Shadow Poison manacost reduced from 55 to 50
    • Soul Catcher now spreads its amplification evenly among all the enemies in the AoE
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: -1.5s Shadow Poison Cooldown (Level 20)

    Shadow Fiend

    • Shadow Fiend Level 25 Talent from +125 Shadowraze Damage to +150

    Shadow Shaman

    • Base damage increased by 6
    • Mass Serpent Wards base attack range increased by 50
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +4 Wards Summoned (Level 20)


    • Reworked Silencer's Scepter. Glaives now Pierce Spell Immunity and deal 100% more damage against Silenced units

    Skywrath Mage

    • Level 15 Talent from +75 Damage to +10% Spell Lifesteal


    • Intelligence gain reduced from 1.9 to 1.7


    • Haunt cooldown rescaled from 140/130/120 to 180/150/120

    Spirit Breaker

    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +30% Greater Bash Damage (Level 20)


    • God's Strength now grants a bonus 16/28/40 Strength when activated
    • God's Strength attack bonus reduced from 100/150/200% to 80/120/160%


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +250 Attack Damage (Level 25)

    Templar Assassin

    • Agility gain reduced from 2.7 to 2.3
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: -8 Meld Armor Reduction (Level 25)


    • Metamorphosis Movement Speed Loss increased from 25 to 30


    • Gush manacost rescaled from 120 to 90/100/110/120
    • Aghanim's Gush now does a small ground reveal on units that are hit


    • Base damage increased by 4
    • Grow increases Craggy Exterior chance by 6/8/10%

    Treant Protector

    • Nature's Guise now applies a full disarming root, rather than a bash, on attack
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +40 Leech Seed Damage/Heal (Level 25)


    • Improved consistency of Ice Shard when pushing units in/out of the shards on impact
    • Ice Shards now starts the blockers at the cast location, rather than centering the blockers around the cast location
    • Ice Shards cast range increased by 200\
    • Ice Shards speed increased from 1100 to 1200


    • Atrophy Aura damage reduction rescaled from 4/16/28/40 to 7/18/29/40%
    • Atrophy Aura counter now lingers through death
    • Added Underlord Scepter. Atrophy Aura's bonus damage is now granted to nearby allied heroes for half of the bonuses. Increases bonus damage duration by 40 seconds


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +15 Health Regeneration (Level 10)


    • Base damage reduced by 3

    Vengeful Spirit

    • Wave of Terror cooldown rescaled from 20 to 22/20/18/16
    • Vengeance Aura reduced from 12/20/28/36% to 10/18/26/34%


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +14% Poison Sting Slow (Level 25)


    • Viper Strike now deals its first tick of damage immediately
    • Viper Strike cooldown rescaled from 70/50/30 to 60/45/30


    • Grave Chill duration increased from 3/4/5/6 to 3.25/4.5/5.75/7
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: Soul Assumption Double Strike


    • Chaotic Offering manacost increased from 200/300/400 to 250/350/450
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: Summons a Golem on death (Level 20)


    • Windranger Level 20 Talents are now: Windrun grants invisibility // +120 Powershot Damage
    • Windranger Levle 25 Talents are now: +30% Cooldown Reduction // +150 Attack Range

    Winter Wyvern

    • Winter's Curse attack speed from 70 to 85
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +1s Cold Embrace Duration (Level 20)

    Witch Doctor

    • Scepter now additionally provides True Strike to Death Ward
    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +2 Cask Bounces (Level 15)

    Wraith King

    • Level 20 Talent from +20 Strength to +10% Vampiric Aura Lifesteal
    • Level 25 Talent from +20% Vampiric Aura Lifesteal to Reincarnation Casts Wraithfire Blast


    • Replaced Respawn Talent: +0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun (Level 20)
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