What to expect from KuroKy? The cybersportsman is preparing an interesting announcement
Kuro Salehi 'KuroKy' Takhasomi will be making some announcement soon. Users already have several theories as to what they might be talking about.
Some users believe that Kuro may go into a temporary inactive due to his health condition. The reason for this may be the state of health of the esports player. Due to an injury to his hand, the esportsman has not played with his teammates since the end of the summer. His place on the roster was taken by the coach of the roster, Roman 'rmN-' Paley.
Another part suggested that an esports player can announce the end of his player career and a possible transition to the role of a coach. This makes more sense than the previous theory, since the German is already inactive and there is no particular sense in announcing anything concrete to him.
Some users joke, "suggesting" that his former teammate Dendi can come to Nigma and take the team to a new level. Recall that KuroKy, together with Danil Ishutin, reached the final of The International 2013.
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