Dota 2 Shakeup: Heroes Surge and Stumble in Win Rates Following 7.34b Update
Vengeful Spirit and Lone Druid are experiencing an increased rate of success in Dota 2's matchmaking, winning 2.5% more frequently since the rollout of the 7.34b update. Currently, these characters boast win rates of 53.1% and 46.7%, respectively, making them the most improved heroes in terms of win percentages.
In contrast, Sand King has witnessed a decline in victory rates of nearly six percentage points since the introduction of the 7.34b update, now standing at 53.7%. The latest patch has particularly impacted Witch Doctor and Riki, with their win rates decreasing by 3.5% and 3%, respectively. These insights across all skill levels have been provided by the Stratz platform.
The 7.34b update brought forth a range of balance adjustments to Dota 2. This entailed modifications affecting a selection of artifacts and 40 heroes, including notable names like Invoker, Witch Doctor and Enigma, among others.
