Evil Geniuses uses emergency sub to remove misutaaa from BLAST roster
According to Jaxon, North American esports organization Evil Geniuses used an emergency substitution to remove misutaaa from their roster for the upcoming BLAST Premier: Fall Groups 2022. The club exercised its right to make roster adjustments as it pulled out of a last-minute purchase of Vitality, a French player..
In comments to the Jaxon portal, BLAST representatives did not disclose further details, but the organizers eventually allowed Evil Geniuses to make changes to their application due to various nuances that they considered sufficient to satisfy the organization's request.
The announced change to the entry came after the rosterlock deadline for BLAST Premier: Fall Groups 2022, which was set for August 1st. Evil Geniuses managed to register a replacement in the person of RUSH, but after that the organization requested a replacement among the registered players. Among these players was misutaaa, who was listed in the roster after the deadline for registering teams. After the deadline, the club requested a replacement with HexT to remove misutaaa from the roster.

However, there is a set clause in the BLAST rulebook that prohibits teams from making changes after the end of the roster lock: "In some cases, a team may need to request an emergency replacement after submitting the final roster due to issues such as illness, injury, and travel restrictions".
In a comment to Jaxon, BLAST said the organization was facing a number of challenges that went beyond some of the more typical reasons for an emergency lineup change. After considering the application, BLAST allowed Evil Geniuses to replace misutaaa with HexT, although RUSH was introduced as a replacement and vorborg as the head coach.
Recall that the North American eSports organization Evil Geniuses at the last moment refused to buy misutaaa. Thus, the club wanted to stay in North America, otherwise it would have to transport the entire team to Europe to participate in the upcoming RMR cycle.
The next championship for the main roster of Evil Geniuses will be BLAST Premier: Fall Groups 2022, which will start in mid-August. The North American team will perform in the same group with FaZe Clan, Heroic and BIG.
The updatedCS:GO roster of Evil Geniuses is as follows:
- automatic
- Brehze
- CeRq
- HexT
- neaLaN
- vorborg (head coach)
- Hepa (analyst)
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