SAW unveils new VALORANT roster
The Portuguese esports organization SAW has unveiled a new roster for the VALORANT discipline. Recall that the club was absent from the discipline in 2022, but is now returning to the stage to participate in the upcoming VALORANT Challengers 2023 Portugal: Tempest Split 1. Here, SAW will take the existing slot from Arroz, buying out most of the team.
It is with great pride that we announce our return to VALORANT. A year later, 2021 is in great shape - several titles, added our victory - that's when the time comes, be sure to return to the script with a cast of talented, energetic and great.
The roster is gathering this month to take part in VALORANT Challengers 2023 Portugal: Tempest, a national competition that will be split into two and run throughout 2023. When all goals are defined, we are ready for action.
The main new team was the former players of the Arroz team - tomaszy, DaviH and Bati. Together they managed to win VALORANT Campeonato de Elite - Stage #1, VALORANT Campeonato de Elite Cup - Stage #2, VALORANT Campeonato de Elite - Stage #2 and GameGune 2022, as well as take second place in the VALORANT Campeonato de Elite Cup - Stage # one.
The next recruit is Addicted. The 26-year-old Portuguese has already played for SAW in the past, but spent the past season with Sharks Esports and Rebels Gaming, making it to the finals of the LVP - Crossfire Cup.
The latest addition to the new SAW roster is Fizzy, who has also played for Rebels Gaming in recent months. However, before that, the Portuguese esportsman also played for such teams as Team BDS and Movistar Riders.
The roster's coach will be the notorious mowzassa, who has already worked with SAW in the 2021 season. However, then the 33-year-old Portuguese specialist went to Brazil to train the Sharks Esports team in this way.
The club's new roster will debut as part of the upcoming VALORANT Challengers 2023 Portugal: Tempest Split 1, which kicks off in two weeks. SAW will take over the Arroz slot by exercising the right after signing the team's core.
New SAW roster for VALORANT:
- Fizzy
- Addicted
- tomaszy
- DaviH
- bati
- mowzassa (head coach)
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