Apeks shut down PUBG division
On the official website of the Apeks organization, they announced the disbandment of the PUBG roster and the complete closure of the division in this esports discipline. In 2022, the esports club plans to open new divisions, but in other disciplines.
Manager Anders Kjaer comments:
“PUBG has been one of our disciplines for quite some time and we have had some great results, but lately we have had stability issues and performances have been rather lackluster. correct structure "
Former Apeks PUBG roster:
- TekkerZ
- intenZ
The PUBG division was opened at the end of April 2020, and during this time the players were able to earn about $ 14,725 in prize money and even took part in PUBG Continental Series 3: Europe, but they failed to achieve any results there. The best achievements of the team are victories at Telialigaen Spring 2021 and reaching the final within Telialigaen Autumn 2020.