Project Skins: Ekko, Katarina, Ashe released!
Yeahp, you read right. In the next patch to PBE, 3 new skins to the PROJECT series will be available: Project Ashe, Project Katarina, and Project Ekko. There's little information to work with for now, so let's try to work out the details on these skins.
PROJECT: Ashe (1830 RP)
This would be Ashe's most expensive (and probably coolest) skin in her arsenal. Whilst we all know that Ashe has had a lot of skins to her name over time, a legendary skin to her name and a PROJECT skin no less, would still be a great buy. Move over, Heartseeker Ashes, there's a new overused skin coming to an in-game store near you!
PROJECT: Katarina (1350 RP)
Katarina is another champion that already has a lot of skins released ever since the oldest League player could remember. Nevertheless, like Ashe, a PROJECT skin goes to every champion. Plus, Katarina is always an auto-ban champ, despite being one of the most popular champions ever, so this would probably be appropriate for her. Unlike Ashe, though, her skin isn't legander and is just epic - can't argue anyway. It's still epic! #SSLikeBeyBladePlays
PROJECT: Ekko (1350 RP)
It's finally arrived - another skin for Ekko! This young man has been bursting and/or tanking well enough to be bestowed an awesome PROJECT skin, and rightfully so. This would be Ekko's 3rd skin, and it's probably expected that an influx of Ekko mains will show up when this skins does in the shelf. So watch out!
More information about the Project skins and the new patch here:
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