Epic Games and Apple want to do without jury
Apple was recently asked to hold a jury trial. On September 29, it became known that their case will be considered in July 2021 as they requested, namely by a jury. The latter had to make a final verdict. Now Apple has decided to withdraw its original statement with a new one. They wished that the judge in the case of their conflict with Epic Games would decide on their own and alone.
The litigation between the companies began after Epic Games added the ability to perform microtransactions in Fortnite on the iPhone on August 13, bypassing the AppStore. Such a move, according to their idea, was to be beneficial both for Epic Games themselves and for users. The latter bought game currency cheaper than before, and Epic Games did not give 30% of Apple's commission for these transactions. The game was later removed from the AppStore and Google Play. Epic Games asked in court to return the game to stores, but was refused.