Baldur's Gate 3: Embracing the Essence of D&D, Yet Missing Some Key Elements
Baldur's Gate 3, celebrated by Dungeons and Dragons enthusiasts, has faithfully captured the essence of a D&D campaign. Set in the iconic Forgotten Realms, this video game brilliantly adapts the core components of the fifth edition D&D ruleset, including races, combat systems, and character classes. However, as we delve into this adventure, we discover that some vital elements from official D&D materials are notably absent, leaving room for potential expansion and further immersion.
The Missing Artificer Class

The Artificer, a cornerstone of the D&D universe, is conspicuously absent from Baldur's Gate 3's roster. This class, introduced in supplementary materials such as "Eberron: Rising from the Last War" and "Tasha's Cauldron of Everything", embodies mastery over both arcane magic and mechanical invention. Artificers manipulate objects through magic, akin to how others manipulate natural elements.
Often cast in the roles of engineers or mechanics, Artificers even boast a subclass enabling them to create Steel Defender constructs. Surprisingly, this class is absent in Baldur's Gate 3's base edition. While Larian Studios isn't known for DLC, the game's remarkable success has prompted some players to ponder whether the developer might revisit Baldur's Gate and introduce Artificers in a future update, enriching the gameplay experience.
The Elusive Blood Hunter Class

Intriguingly, Baldur's Gate 3 lacks the inclusion of the Blood Hunter class, which, while not officially part of D&D, gained prominence through a partnership between Dungeons and Dragons Beyond and the popular show Critical Role. The Blood Hunter is a versatile caster, wielding profane magic called Hemocraft to turn their enemies' blood against them.
Given that the Blood Hunter is exclusively available through Wizards of the Coast's online D&D service and is uniquely tied to Critical Role, its appearance in Baldur's Gate 3 seems improbable. However, an intriguing twist lies in the fact that Matthew Mercer, the dungeon master for Critical Role, also lends his voice to Minsc in BG3. While a distant possibility, this connection sparks hope that the Blood Hunter might eventually find its way into the game, or perhaps dedicated modders will take on the challenge of bringing this unique class to life.
Expanding on Existing Classes

Baldur's Gate 3 shines by adapting twelve out of thirteen official D&D classes, alongside their standard subclasses. The game offers a diverse array of choices for players to navigate its expansive world. Yet, it falls short of providing a complete representation of official D&D classes and subclasses. The list of absent subclasses, including those introduced in supplementary sourcebooks, rivals the number included in the game.
Notable missing subclasses encompass a range of classes, from Bards with College of Glamour, Eloquence, and Creation, to Barbarians with Path of the Totem Warrior, Ancestral Guardian, Beast, and Zealot. The absence extends to Clerics with Death, Forge, Grave, and Twilight Domains, and Druids with Circle of the Stars, Dreams, and Shepherd. Fighters miss out on Arcane Archer, Cavalier, Psi Warrior, and Samurai subclasses. Monks lack Way of Mercy, Astral Self, Drunken Master, and Sun Soul options, while Paladins miss Oath of Conquest, Glory, Redemption, and The Crown. Rangers lack Fey Wanderer, Monster Slayer, and Swarm Keeper subclasses, and Rogues miss Inquisitive, Mastermind, Phantom, Soulknife, and Scout options. Sorcerers go without Aberrant Mind, Clockwork Soul, Divine Soul, and Shadow Magic subclasses, while Warlocks miss The Celestial, Fathomless, Genie, Hexblade, and Undead. Lastly, Wizards lack Bladesinging, Order of Scribes, and War Magic subclasses.
Bringing the entirety of Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, alongside its official supplementary volumes, into Baldur's Gate 3 presents a monumental challenge. Players can hold out hope that Larian Studios might release expansions to bridge these gaps in time. In the interim, the modding community offers a potential avenue for players to explore and experience these missing elements, ensuring a diverse and immersive gaming adventure in the world of Baldur's Gate 3.