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Borderlands 4: Discovering the Enchanting Abilities of the Next Siren

Borderlands 4: Discovering the Enchanting Abilities of the Next Siren

The Borderlands universe boasts some extraordinary abilities, with the Sirens standing out as one of its most captivating elements. As rumors suggest the inclusion of a playable Siren in Borderlands 4, it's intriguing to explore the potential powers this character might possess. Sirens, being a crucial supernatural aspect of the series, are known for their unique abilities, and each game has featured a playable Siren. Consequently, the pressing question revolves around the abilities of the next Siren character in Borderlands 4.

The lore of the Borderlands series dictates that only six Sirens can exist at any given time, each wielding a distinct power. Currently, there are five known Siren abilities: Tannis has acquired Angel's Phaseshift power, Amara possesses Phasetrance, and Ava inherited Phaselock from Maya. If these characters remain alive or playable, the upcoming Siren in Borderlands 4 won't have one of these abilities.


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One option for the Siren's power in Borderlands 4 could be Tyreen's Phaseleech abilities from Borderlands 3. Phaseleech allows its user to drain energy from others, replenishing their own strength. Additionally, it enables the theft of powers from other Sirens, as evidenced by Tyreen and Troy stealing Lilith and Maya's abilities. A Phaseleech Siren would likely have skill trees centered around healing by draining the health of enemies, and their backstory might delve into how they obtained this power after Tyreen's demise.

Borderlands 4: Discovering the Enchanting Abilities of the Next Siren. Photo 1

Considering the uncertain fate of Lilith, the main character of Borderlands, her Phasewalk ability might be transferable to another Siren. Phasewalk grants the user temporary invisibility and invincibility while releasing damaging psychic blasts at the start and end of its activation. With upgrades, it could also disorient and shock enemies. Though Lilith already possessed this ability in the first Borderlands, the next Siren could feature a fresh variation of Phasewalk.

Another possibility for Borderlands 4's playable Siren is to introduce a completely new power. The lore mentions six Sirens with distinct abilities, and thus far, only five have been revealed. This leaves room for speculation regarding the potential of a new Phase ability, such as telekinesis or a unique combat-altering tool. The introduction of an entirely new Siren power would undoubtedly be an exciting prospect.

The array of potential Siren powers in Borderlands 4 is vast, but concrete details are likely to remain undisclosed for some time. If a playable Siren is indeed included in the game, there are currently six conceivable powers to consider. Three of these powers are associated with living characters, one belongs to a deceased character, one is uncertain, and one remains a complete mystery. Regardless of the specific Phase power chosen, fans hope that the experience of playing as the new Siren will be just as enjoyable as past Siren characters.

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