The creators of Ninja Gaiden may revive the series
Fumihiko Yasuda, President of Team Ninja, said in an interview with Videogames Chronicle that the next part of the Ninja Gaiden slasher cannot be ruled out. However, he said that if this happens, then the title will be developed not by the main studio, but by some other one:
We're not announcing anything, but both of these ideas (outsourcing Ninja Gaiden or transferring intellectual property) sound like great plans, and both are possible in a way. These are very, very smart ideas for a potential sequel to any series, not just Ninja Gaiden.
Fumihiko also said that in order for the next installment to come to fruition, it needs to not only meet all of the fans' expectations, but exceed them.
But my point is that if we were theoretically working with another company on a new Ninja Gaiden game, we would need to make sure that it would be a game that fans would really enjoy and exceed their expectations. It's not just a matter of "hey, let's just do it": it has to fit all the ingredients, and it needs the right team, or a younger team within the company. Or another company that really needs to fit the story of Ninja Gaiden."
Yasuda added that he really likes that the Ninja Gaiden series has a large fan base and it really makes him think about a sequel to the Ninja Assassin game:
We are so happy that people are big fans of our existing series and therefore have the desire to create a new entry in this series.
But a lot of it has to do with balancing the desire to create these new games for these large fan bases that some of these existing intellectual properties have, as well as looking at what resources the development team has: seeing what skills the current members have. Team Ninja and then decide if it will work for a particular series.
The third and concurrently last part of Ninja Gaiden was released in 2012. In June 2021, Team Ninja released a collection of remasters of all their games, which was published under the name Ninja Gaiden Master Collection.