NAVI Suspends SA from Apex Legends Squad Manager
Alexander 'SA' Kravchuk is no longer the Apex Legends squad manager. The NAVI management did not like the recent statement by Kravchuk towards ex-Natus Vincere player Kirill '9impulse' Kostiv.
Alexander decided to publish a post in which he criticized the behavior of the Belarusian and called Kostyv a manipulator. According to the ex-manager of NAVI, Kirill Kostiv was irresponsible in training and focused on Valorant instead of Apex Legends. After this, NAVI decided to sever their ties with Alexander 'SA' Kravchuk and indicated his unprofessional behavior as the reason.
9impulse published a response post, in which he said that although he really wanted to change the discipline to Valorant in the future, but at the same time he treated the training process quite responsibly, and the only one who did not fulfill his obligations to the esports club is just the same Alexander 'SA' Kravchuk.
Kirill Kostin joined Natus Vincere in July 2019 and performed under the tag of this organization until November last year. The player has not been able to win any Apex Legends championship.