EGW-NewsDota 2Dota 2 7.34e: Heroic Showdown – Unleashing the Meta Shift with Epic Nerfs and Game-Changing Buffs!
Dota 2 7.34e: Heroic Showdown – Unleashing the Meta Shift with Epic Nerfs and Game-Changing Buffs!

Dota 2 7.34e: Heroic Showdown – Unleashing the Meta Shift with Epic Nerfs and Game-Changing Buffs!

In the latest Dota 2 Patch 7.34e, a total of 29 heroes and six items have undergone significant changes. Anticipation surrounded potential nerfs for prominent heroes like Bristleback, Kunkka, Spirit Breaker, and Dazzle, all of whom dominated at TI. However, Valve has chosen a more gradual approach to hero adjustments, indicating that the meta might not undergo drastic changes as the competitive season heads to Malaysia for ESL One Kuala Lumpur in December.

Let's delve into the key modifications introduced in Dota 2 Patch 7.34e.

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Bristleback Faces Multiple Nerfs After TI 2023 Dominance

Dota 2 7.34e: Heroic Showdown – Unleashing the Meta Shift with Epic Nerfs and Game-Changing Buffs! 1

Bristleback, a standout hero at TI 2023, has terrorized both competitive and public-ranked Dota for months, receiving incremental buffs since the New Frontier update. However, his reign at the top seems to be waning. Bristleback now deals less damage with Quill Spray at max stacks, and his passive quills won't proc as frequently in the early game. Additionally, his Aghanim’s Shard upgrade, Hairball, has been significantly nerfed, with its range nearly halved and its cooldown increased by three seconds.

Despite Bristleback's 50.45 percent win rate in public matches and a 50 percent win rate at TI, the changes might not seem substantial enough to address the hero's dominance.

Farewell to Team Spirit Breaker

Dota 2 7.34e: Heroic Showdown – Unleashing the Meta Shift with Epic Nerfs and Game-Changing Buffs! 2

Spirit Breaker, previously known for a brief name change post-TI, has been brought back down to earth after briefly residing in the top 10 for win rate. His iconic ability, Charge of Darkness, has seen a slight cooldown increase at all levels and after acquiring Aghanim’s Scepter. Moreover, Barathrum will deal less damage to creeps with Greater Bash, aiming to balance his farming capabilities. Despite these adjustments, some may argue that Valve could have taken a more assertive approach with Spirit Breaker's nerfs.

Timbersaw Receives a Timely Buff

Dota 2 7.34e: Heroic Showdown – Unleashing the Meta Shift with Epic Nerfs and Game-Changing Buffs! 3

Timbersaw, a fan-favorite tree-lopper, has finally received a welcome buff after months of relative inactivity. The stat steal after successfully landing Whirling Death has been increased. Despite the meta favoring tankiness and dominant Strength characters, Timbersaw might see a resurgence with the nerf to Heart of Tarrasque and this buff. Whether he becomes a staple in ESL One Kuala Lumpur remains uncertain, but all eyes will be on Rizzrack if further significant updates occur.

Item Updates in Dota 2 Patch 7.34e

Several items have also undergone adjustments in the latest patch:

  • Eternal Shroud: Magic Resistance bonus increased from 30 percent to 35 percent.
  • Hand of Midas: Base Charge Restore Time increased from 100 to 110 seconds.
  • Heart of Tarrasque: Recipe cost and total cost increased, with a decrease in Strength bonus.
  • Helm of the Overlord and Vladmir’s Offering: Vladmir’s Aura Armor increased from three to four.
  • Pavise: Protect Cooldown decreased from 18 to 16 seconds.

Hero Alterations in Dota 2 Patch 7.34e Unveiled

Ancient Apparition:

  • Ice Vortex: Damage per second reduced from 12/20/28/36 to 12/18/24/30.
  • Ice Blast: Frostbitten Duration cut from 10/11/12 to a flat 10 seconds.


  • Quill Spray: Max Damage lowered from 550 to 500.
  • Bristleback: Damage Threshold increased from 225 to 300/275/250/225.
  • Hairball: Cast Range reduced from 1500 to 1000, cooldown extended from 10 to 13 seconds.
  • Talent: Level 20 Talent Quill Spray Stack Damage decreased from plus-25 to 20.

Chaos Knight:

  • Base Damage reduced by five.
  • Chaos Strike: Lifesteal penalty against creeps heightened from 40 percent to 70 percent.
  • Phantasm: Mana Cost increased from 75/125/175 to 100/200/300.

Dark Willow:

  • Shadow Realm: Cooldown increased from 20/18/16/14 to 22/20/18/16 seconds.


  • Bad Juju: No longer affects the three-second mute period of any Blink Dagger after taking damage.

Drow Ranger:

  • Multishot: Cooldown shortened from 26/24/22/20 to 24/22/20/18 seconds.

Earth Spirit:

  • Rolling Boulder: Cooldown initiation now occurs when the current roll is completed.


  • Black Hole: Cooldown reduced from 200/180/160 to 180/170/160 seconds.


  • Ink Swell: Aghanim’s Shard Spell Lifesteal now incurs a 20 percent penalty against creeps.


  • Rocket Barrage: Rocket Damage increased from 6/12/18/24 to 8/14/20/26.


  • Omnislash: Bonus Damage increased from 30/40/50 to 40/45/50.


  • Ghostship: Damage Delayed reduced from 45 percent to 35 percent.
  • Tidal Wave: Damage decreased from 250 to 180.
  • Torrent Storm: Duration decreased from five seconds to four seconds, cooldown increased from 70 to 75 seconds.


  • Lightning Storm: Slow Duration increased from 0.4/0.6/0.8/one to 0.45/0.7/0.95/1.2 seconds.


  • Earth Spike: Cast Range increased from 575 to 650.


  • Base Agility increased from 16 to 18.
  • Agility gain increased from 1.4 to 1.8.


  • Sidekick: Cast Range increased from 700 to 1000.


  • The Calling: Duration decreased from 7/8/9/10 seconds to 5/6/7/8 seconds, movement Slow decreased from 30 percent to 15/20/25/30 percent.


  • Ghost Shroud: Mana Cost increased from 50 to 75.
  • Heartstopper Aura: Regen Duration reduced from eight seconds to seven seconds, Aghanim’s Scepter Health Regen to Decay decreased from 60 percent to 55 percent.
  • Death Seeker: Cooldown increased from 16 to 19 seconds.

Primal Beast:

  • Trample: Mana Cost increased from 90/85/80/75 to 90.
  • Pulverize: Cooldown increased from 36/32/28 to 40/36/32 seconds.
  • Talent: Level 25 Talent Pulverize Duration decreased from 100 percent to 67 percent.

Shadow Shaman:

  • Hex: Damage Amplification increased from 5/10/15/20 percent to 10/15/20/25 percent.


  • Base Armor decreased by one.

Spirit Breaker:

  • Charge of Darkness: Cooldown increased from 21/18/15/12 to 22/19/16/13 seconds, Aghanim’s Scepter Cooldown increased from eight to nine seconds.
  • Greater Bash: Damage multiplier against creeps decreased from 1.5x to 1.3x.


  • Whirling Death: Stat Loss percent increased from 10 to 13.


  • Avalanche: Mana Cost decreased from 120 to 90/100/110/120.

Treant Protector:

  • Base Movement Speed decreased from 285 to 280.
  • Leech Seed: Damage/Heal per second decreased from 25/40/55/70 to 20/35/50/65.


  • Geminate Attack: Cooldown increased from 7/5.5/4/2.5 to 8.5/6.5/4.5/2.5 seconds.

Winter Wyvern:

  • Cold Embrace: Base Heal per second increased from 30/35/40/45 to 40/45/50/55.

Witch Doctor:

  • Paralyzing Cask: Damage multiplier against creeps decreased from 2.0x to 1.5x.
  • Death Ward: Now prioritizes heroes within its attack range over creeps.

Wraith King:

  • Vampiric Spirit: Skeleton Damage decreased by three.

These changes, both to heroes and items, aim to shape the evolving landscape of Dota 2 as it enters the next phase of competitive play.

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