EGW-NewsDota 2DOTA Blood of the Dragon: a review of all episodes of the third season with virtually no spoilers
DOTA Blood of the Dragon: a review of all episodes of the third season with virtually no spoilers

DOTA Blood of the Dragon: a review of all episodes of the third season with virtually no spoilers

On August 11, the 3rd book (read the season) of the animated series in the Dota 2 universe, DOTA: Dragon's Blood, was released on Netflix. This is a direct continuation of the long-term construction launched in March 2021 dedicated to the adventures of Dragon Knight Davion and his entourage - Mirana, Bram, Marcy, Luna, Invoker and other characters familiar from the original MOBA game.

The animation is still the responsibility of Studio Mir, with the locomotive driven by Ashley Miller. We at EGamersWorld have reviewed the material and are ready to briefly tell you what DOTA Season 3: Dragon's Blood is about. Let's do this without spoilers as much as possible.

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Looking ahead, it is worth noting that the third season of DOTA: Dragon's Blood is difficult to perceive out of context, and therefore, before reading and watching, we suggest you refresh your memory. Ideally, rewatch the first 2 seasons.

Episode 1 - A draft under the door

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It starts with a flash forward of Slyrak's battle with Terrorblade. Next, we are transferred to a new location, where we meet with a friend from the first season, Drysy

Running away from the chase, the heroine accepts an offer that cannot be refused, after which a fight with the guards ensues.

Davion and Brahm (and why is he not a playable character yet?) go to Mirana, who has become the Empress of the Sun.

Invoker slays the crowds of dragons led by Drysi, after which he hurries to bow to Mirana. In the same place, the supreme wizard will endow Davion with the 5th Dragon Souls.

In parallel with the above events, Fimrim visits Selemina, taking her Spark and essentially taking her place. The goddess has fallen, long live the new goddess.

Having gathered in the palace of Mirana, the company of heroes goes to the monastery of Terrorblade - Foulfell

Episode 2 - Hell Abyss

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Invoker takes the heroes to Foulfell, where all the events of the second series unfold. The company encounters Terrorblade, after which the battle begins.

All characters fall into the astral: the heroes are tormented by their fears and regrets. Immediately, the exposition is revealed to us and we are introduced to Davion, Mirana, Kayden and Luna closer.

Mired in dreams, Davion and company are close to failure, but Invoker and the newly minted goddess of the New Moon, Fimrim, intervene. The latter took the place of the fallen Selemina.

The elf frees the heroes from the horrors and they continue to fight the legions of Terrorblade phantoms and the prisoner of Foulfell himself.

Not without difficulty, the characters manage to defeat Terrorblade, but the misadventures do not end there. Invoker tricks him into taking all the Dragon Souls and Davion dies.

Episode 3 - Life of a Stranger

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Invoker's plan succeeded. The Archmage creates an alternate reality.

The episode begins in a snowy mountainous area. Felomin finds the Blue Crystal, which is able to empower living beings.

Mirana continues to act as interim Empress Helio, taking the throne in place of her infirm father. The life of the kingdom is disturbed by an alarming visit from a resident of the Lowlands, who has been exposed to an unknown infection.

Mirana, together with her subjects, goes to the epicenter of the emerging infection. In the Lowland, the princess discovers the Red Crystal, which begins to consume her mind.

After the incident, Mirana goes to the Oracle, who reveals the truth to her: the Princess of the Moon was in a different world, and now she has to return to the "real" reality.

Episode 4 - The Hanged Man

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Having gathered to return everything to its place, Mirana, together with Marcy, goes to Davion. In parallel, Falomine plans to visit the goddess Mina (Fimrim) to warn her about the danger of the Crystals.

The Princess of the Moon meets Davion, along the way suggesting that he go to Slyrak's lair. Mirana is confident that the Ancient Dragon will help her get out of Invoker's twisted reality.

The Dragon Knight does not like the idea, but he nevertheless agrees to help Mirana, because he feels that she is not just a random counter. Along the way, the heroes again encounter the power of the Crystals.

Felomine arrives at the abode of Fimrim, where the goddess falls into a clouding of her mind. She understands that something inexplicable is happening.

Knows this and Invoker, who hurries to the Mad Moon. Arc Warden is imprisoned there, serving as a warden for Darkness and Light.

The archmage accuses the guard of negligence, after which they start a fight. Felomin intervenes in the fight to save her father.

While the magicians decide the fate of the world and try to prevent the impending disaster, Mirana arrives at Slyrak's lair, where she is met by Kaeden.

Episode 5 - The Hanged Man

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In Slyrak's lair, a battle ensues between Kayden and Slyrak, as a result of which the former mortally wounds the Dragon. Mirana, out of desperation, stops the Dragon Knight.

Felomine continues to search for answers and solve the mystery of the Crystals. She goes to Mina to find out about her past.

Davion makes his way to Slyrak's lair, where he sees the aftermath of Kayden, Slyrak and Mirana's battle. At the same time, Falomine discovers her father's secret.

A war breaks out between the Helio Imperium and the elves.

Episode 6 - 12,403

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After the battle in Slirak's Lair, Mirana and Davion part ways. Felomine unraveled the secret of the archmage, and now everything fell into place. Invoker's daughter goes to her father for clarification.

War continues between the Helio Imperium and the followers of the Moon. Chaos reigns in the world, and the Mad Moon is close to destruction.

Falomine learns that the new reality is not entirely new - Invoker has done this 12,403 times.

As Falomine contemplates what has happened, Davion is once again confronted by the effects of the Crystals. Also, the Dragon Knight learns the truth from Slyrak.

In Imperio Helio, a palace coup is planned: Mirana realizes herself as a goddess and takes power into her own hands.

Episode 7 - Lunatropism

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Felomine, having learned about the actions of her father, decides to correct the deed. Invoker decides to help his daughter and teaches her how to handle the Crucible (the souls of Ancient Dragons).

After the coronation, the Empress Mirana urges her subjects to forget about the old civil strife and meet the impending problems with a united front. Davion seeks an audience with the Empress and warns her of the imminent apocalypse.

The heroes decide to prevent the inevitable by trying to stop Mad Moon from destroying the world. Help them in this Felomin and Fimrim, but Invoker is against it.

Having reached the abode of the supreme new magician, Mirana, Davion and the rest of the squad join the battle. The empress and the young goddess fights Invoker, but she fails to prevent the fate inscribed.

Episode 8 - Remember Phlebe

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Arc Warden is defeated. The Mad Moon exploded. The new world is on the verge of destruction.

Falomine does not agree with the selfishness of her father, who created this reality. She decides to fix everything thanks to the Crucible.

Mirana comes to Fimrim and together with the Goddess decides to help Felomina. But even divine intervention is not able to correct the destined.

The world is collapsing and the only chance to save another reality is to say goodbye to this one. Mirana understands this, and therefore says goodbye to Davion and Marcy, thereby returning to the present reality.

Having returned everything to its place, Mirana goes to Phleb. She paid her debt and seems to have found everything she was looking for.

However, the story doesn't end there.

DOTA: Dragon's Blood Book 3 is available in its entirety on Netflix. Subtitles are available in the online cinema in 32 languages.

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