Valve released patch 7.31c for Dota 2
Valve has released patch 7.31c for Dota 2. The developers paid attention to finalizing the heroes and fixing a number of items, and also opened up access to the fantasy league dedicated to the start of ESL One Stockholm Major 2022.
Fantasy League ESL One Stockholm Major 2022
Rules for participation in the fantasy league:
1. Earn card packs:
- Get one set of cards for the first victory of each day.
- Buy sets of cards of your favorite teams.
- Join support clubs to get more packs.
2. Open card sets:
- Now regular packs contain cards of only those players who have qualified for the Major tournament.
- From the set of cards of the non-major teams, you will still receive a gold or silver player card for that team, but all other cards will be from the teams that qualified.
3. Make a team daily:
- Each day of the tournament, choose the team or individual players that you think will perform best.
- The tournament schedule will be available on the Dota 2 website when the teams are divided into groups.
4. Get rewards:
- Once in the top 10%/25%/50%/100% of all participants, you will earn 4/3/2/1 fantasy levels.
- Every level 1, 2, and 3 will reward you with shards, and every level 4 will reward you with a Fantasy League Treasure.
Functional changes in patch 7.31c
Neutral Creep Changes
Harpy Scout
- Take Off increased maximum mana cost per second from 2.5% to 4%.
- Reduced vision from 1800/1800 to 1200/800.
Troll Necromancer
- Raise Dead cooldown increased from 18 to 20 seconds.
- Raise Dead: Decreased the lifespan of skeletons from 40 seconds to 35 seconds.
Skeleton Warrior
- Reduced armor to 0.
Item Changes
- Soul Stealer: Reduced maximum bonus damage per kill from 25 to 20.
Eye of Skadi
- Melee target movement/attack slow changed from 25%/25 to 20%/30.
- Ranged target movement/attack slow rescaled from 50%/50 to 40%/60.
Spirit Vessel
- Recipe cost increased from 1000 to 1100.
- Reduced damage bonus from 45 to 38.
Urn of Shadows
- Recipe cost increased from 335 to 375.
Vladimir's Offering
- Recipe cost reduced from 400 to 250.
Helm of the Overlord
- Vladmir's Aura lifesteal increased from 15% to 18%.
- Vladmir's Aura mana regen bonus increased from 1.75 to 2.
Wraith Pact
- Vladmir's Aura radius increased from 900 to 1200.
- Wraith's Reprisal damage reduction increased from 25% to 30%.
- Wraith's Reprisal damage per second increased from 25 to 30.
- Wraith's Reprisal: Casting this ability now destroys totems it has previously created.
- Vladmir's Aura lifesteal increased from 15% to 18%.
- Vladmir's Aura: Increased mana regen bonus from 1.75 to 2.
Hero Changes
Arc Warden
- Base damage increased from 47-57 to 51-57.
- Base health regen reduced from 2.75 to 2.5.
- Berserker's Call: Bonus armor reduced from 30 to 25.
- Fiend's Grip: Max duration reduced from 6 to 5/5.5/6 seconds.
- Blood Mist: Damage to self is now magical instead of pure.
- Blood Mist: Damage per second against enemies increased from 5% to 7%.
- Blood Mist cooldown reduced from 4 to 3 seconds.
- Spin Web mana cost reduced from 50 to 40.
Chaos Knight
- Chaos Bolt: Aghanim's Shard cast range increase reduced from 300 to 150.
- Chaos Strike: Damage is no longer multiplied when it procs on creep-heroes and Roshan.
- Base movement speed increased from 300 to 305.
- Hand of God cooldown reduced from 160/140/120 to 150/130/110 seconds.
Crystal Maiden
- Freezing Field: Explosion radius increased from 300 to 320.
- Freezing Field: Movement slow increased from 30% to 40%.
- Freezing Field cooldown reduced from 110/100/90 to 90 seconds.
Death Prophet
- Spirit Siphon: Aghanim's Shard fear duration reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds.
- Spirit Siphon base damage per second reduced from 16 to 10/12/14/16.
- Exorcism: Now deals 50% damage to buildings.
- Thunder Strike mana cost reduced from 130/140/150/160 to 125/130/135/140.
dragon knight
- Fireball damage per second reduced from 80 to 75.
- Fissure mana cost reduced from 125/140/155/170 to 120/130/140/150.
Ember Spirit
- Sleight of Fist bonus damage against heroes reduced from 60/90/120/150 to 45/80/115/150.
- Enchant: Now allows you to subdue creeps no higher than level 4/5/6/6.
- Eidolon magic resistance increased from 50% to 60%.
- Eidolon gold reduced from 20-26 to 18-24.
- Eidolon experience reduced from 12 to 10.
- Berserker's Blood Max Strength regen reduced from 20/40/60/80% to 16/34/52/70%.
Keeper of the Light
- Base movement speed reduced from 330 to 320.
- Chakra Magic: Mana regen reduced from 100/180/260/340 to 80/160/240/320.
- Blinding Light: Knockback duration reduced from 0.8 to 0.6 seconds.
- Base attack speed increased from 100 to 110.
- Aghanim's Shard wolf damage increased from 35-38 to 38-40.
- Summon Wolves damage increased from 17-20/23-26/29-32/35-38 to 20-23/26-29/32-34/38-40.
- Split Shot damage reduced from 50/60/70/80% to 45/55/65/75%.
- Stone Gaze: Mana cost increased from 100 to 150.
- Reaper's Scythe: Permanent health regen reduced from 3/6/9 to 2/4/6.
- Death Seeker cooldown increased from 14 to 16 seconds.
- Death Seeker mana cost increased from 100 to 125.
- Death Pulse: Healing reduced from 60/85/110/135 to 55/80/105/130.
Nyx Assassin
- Impale mana cost reduced from 105/120/135/150 to 100/110/120/130.
- Impale: Spike stripe width increased from 125 to 140.
- Heavenly Grace mana cost increased from 80/90/100/110 to 95/105/115/125.
- Icarus Dive DPS increased from 10/30/50/70 to 15/35/55/75
Primal Beast
- Onslaught: The sound of this ability can now be heard in the Fog of War.
- Uproar: Damage per stack reduced from 15/25/35/45 to 10/20/30/40.
- Uproar: Movement slow per effect reduced from 10% to 8%.
- Uproar: Minimum damage to gain a charge increased from 35 to 50.
- Trample: Base damage changed from 20/35/50/65 to 12/28/44/60.
- Trample: Attack damage multiplier reduced from 40% to 35%.
- Rock Throw damage increased from 275 to 300.
- Level 20 Talent reduced from +30% Trample Attack Damage to +25%
- Dismember DPS rescaled from 60/90/120 to 80/100/120.
- Level 20 Talent reduced from +1.5s Decrepify Duration to +1s
- Decrepify cast range reduced from 400/500/600/700 to 400/475/550/625.
- Decrepify cooldown increased from 15/12/9/6 to 16/13/10/7
- Nether Ward: Totem radius reduced from 1600 to 1400.
Sand King
- Sand Storm DPS rescaled from 20/45/70/95 to 25/45/65/85.
- Sand Storm: Mana cost increased from 70/75/80/85 to 85.
- Epicenter Aghanim's Shard bonus damage per push reduced from 20 to 10.
- Level 10 Talent reduced from +20 Sand Storm DPS to +15
- Level 15 Talent reduced from +150 Sand Storm AoE to +125
- Level 25 Talent reduced from +40% Sand Storm Slow and Blind to +35%
- Dark Pact mana cost reduced from 75 to 65.
- Dark Pact damage rescaled from 75/150/225/300 to 90/160/230/300.
- Base health regeneration increased from 1.5 to 2.
- Base agility increased from 23 to 25.
- Dispersion: Decay radius increased from 300/700 to 400/800.
Storm Spirit
- Base armor reduced by 1.
- Level 10 Talent reduced from +1.75 Mana Regen to +1.5
- Overload damage reduced from 40/60/80/100 to 30/50/70/90.
- Warcry: Movement speed bonus increased from 8/12/16/20% to 10/14/18/22%.
- Warcry: Aghanim's Shard passive armor bonus increased from 5 to 7.
- Storm Hammer: Stun duration increased from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 to 1.4/1.6/1.8/2 seconds.
- Storm Hammer mana cost reduced from 110/120/130/140 to 110/115/120/125.
Templar Assassin
- Refraction bonus damage reduced from 25/50/75/100 to 25/45/65/85.
- Whirling Death attribute reduction reduced from 12% to 10%.
- Whirling Death attribute reduction duration reduced from 13/14/15/16 to 12/13/14/15 seconds.
- Base strength increased from 18 to 19.
- Laser mana cost reduced from 110/130/150/170 to 105/120/135/150.
- Tree Grab: Bonus building damage reduced from 55/70/85/100% to 40/55/70/85%.
- Grow: Bonus damage increase with wood reduced from 40/45/50% to 20/30/40%.
- Tree Throw: The trees from Tree Volley now also slow movement.
- Level 15 Talent changed from +40% Grow Tree Damage Bonus to +10% Status Resistance.
- Level 20 Talent changed from +15% Status Resistance to +40% Grow Tree Damage Bonus.
Troll Warlord
- Berserker's Rage: Base melee attack interval reduced from 1.45 to 1.4 seconds.
- Battle Trance: Fixed cases where the hero would sometimes not see his target in the fog of war.
- Tombstone: Cast range reduced from 600 to 500.
- Tombstone: Zombie spawn interval increased from 4/3.5/3/2.5 to 4/3.6/3.2/2.8 seconds.
- Chaotic Offering Golem health increased from 1200/2100/3000 to 1400/2300/3200 (with Aghanim's Scepter from 800/1600/2400 to 900/1700/2600).
Winter Wyvern
- Arctic Burn: Flight duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds.
- Splinter Blast: Shard spread speed increased from 650 to 800.
witch doctor
- Maledict damage per second increased from 7/14/21/28 to 12/18/24/30.
- Heavenly Jump: Distance increased from 450 to 500.
- Arc Lightning damage increased from 80/110/140/170 to 90/120/150/180.
- Lightning Bolt: Cast delay reduced from 0.4 to 0.3 seconds.