NAVI will hold a charity tournament with the participation of world stage stars
The Ukrainian eSports organization NaVi has announced a charity CS:GO tournament with the participation of world stars. As part of the championship, which will be dedicated to the 13th anniversary of the club's founding, 20 players from the world's leading teams will take part: NAVI, FaZe Clan, Astralis, Team Liquid, Vitality, fnatic, ENCE, BIG and MOUZ.
In mid-November, the Ukrainian esports organization NAVI announced the start of cooperation with UNITED24, an initiative of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky as the main platform for collecting charitable donations in support of Ukraine.
The event called BORN TO BE BRAVE will take place on December 22, 2022 in an online format. Invited participants will be divided into four teams with players of the same role: TEAM ONE SHOT will consist exclusively of snipers, TEAM RUSH A RUSH B will include captains, and TEAM U SHALL NOT PASS and TEAM GO KILL will be played by supports and riflers, respectively.
During the broadcast of the championship, which will be handled by the Maincast studio, there will be a fundraiser for the UNITED24 international charitable foundation. The funds will be used to purchase medical equipment for hospitals in Ukraine.
It is noteworthy that fans will be able to influence the course of the BORN TO BE BRAVE tournament. By making a donation, viewers can unlock access to member voice chat, see team rosters, select tournament maps, and determine the pool of competitive Grand Final maps.
In addition, there will be a grand prize among esports fans, which will go to the most generous fan who contributes the most to the BORN TO BE BRAVE fundraising event.
Upon reaching certain amounts, fans can win the following prizes:
- NAVI flag with murals (condition — $5,000$)
- Watch by BLAST ($7,500$)
- s1mple painting on Steam ($10,000)
- MVP medal s1mple from the tournament ($10,000)
- Five "BORN TO BE BRAVE" rings ($15,000)
- Flag of Ukraine with paintings by NAVI players ($15,000)
- Meeting with s1mple ($25,000)
At the moment, only two participants of the championship have been confirmed - s1mple (NAVI) and ZywOo (Vitality). The rest of the players will be announced on Saturday, December 17th.
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