Alliance.Coven left without two members
The leadership of the European eSports organization announced that Pinkalie and Danah are no longer members of the Alliance.Coven roster. Esportswomen joined the club on January 19 this year. Over the past almost 4 months, they took part in three championships: VCT 2022: Game Changers EMEA Series 1, Huntress Trials - February 2022 and VCT 2022: Game Changers EMEA Series 2. In the first two, they took 9th-12th place and 5-8th position, respectively and received no monetary reward. As for the Game Changers EMEA Series 2, they managed to reach the top 8 and place 7-8 in the standings, for which they received a cash prize of $1,052 per team.
The organization thanked Julia 'Pinkalie' Lim and Dana 'Danah' Al Madone for spending time together. Now Laura 'Xaline' Mateos, Maria '6sonya' Istrat and Veronica 'speedowka' Barovska will perform under the Alliance.Coven tag.
Where Pinkalie and Danah will continue their journey is currently unknown.
Updated roster of Alliance.Coven:
- Laura 'Xaline' Mateos
- Maria '6sonya' Istrat
- Veronica 'speedowka' Barowska