An Overwatch 2 Clip Reveals Sigma's Meteoric Rock Toss Surprise
Overwatch 2 continues to evolve with intriguing gameplay moments, and a recent clip featuring Sigma has left the community astir. Sigma, introduced to the Overwatch universe in 2019, has always been a versatile hero, but this particular Overwatch 2 clip showcases his capabilities in a rather unexpected and amusing manner.
Sigma, a beloved hero among Overwatch League players like Indy Halpern and Gi-Cheol Nam, has undergone some changes in Overwatch 2. Unlike Doomfist, who underwent a complete role transformation in Overwatch 2, Sigma remains a tank but has seen significant enhancements. His base shield and abilities, such as Accretion and Experimental Barrier, received substantial buffs upon the sequel's release.
The highlight of this clip occurred during an Overwatch 2 multiplayer match in Havana, featuring a team composed of Ana, Illari, Junkrat, Sigma, and Widowmaker pushing the payload. On the opposing side, Illari, Mercy, Sigma, Soldier 76, and Widowmaker stood ready to defend. With both teams incorporating Overwatch 2 heroes, it was the Sigma on the offensive who demonstrated an innovative approach.
The offensive Sigma cleverly used their barrier to block an incoming Accretion attack from the enemy Sigma. Then, in a moment of brilliance, they flung the Accretion boulder skyward from behind their protective barrier. The rock soared almost to the Overwatch 2 skybox before descending and striking the defending Sigma.
Because the rock spent most of its time airborne, the opposing team seemed to underestimate its threat, leading to some unanticipated damage. Although the defending Sigma survived the Accretion hit, they were momentarily stunned, preventing them from using their ultimate ability, Gravitic Flux. This left the defending team vulnerable, as Gravitic Flux typically disrupts gameplay by propelling players up and down. Consequently, the defending Sigma's ultimate ability charge was reset to zero, while the attacking Sigma's charge remained at a formidable 90%. A nearby Mercy and Illari swiftly healed the Sigma struck by the meteor.
This innovative Sigma tactic, executed at the first corner of the Overwatch 2 Havana payload map, may have influenced the match's outcome. Unfortunately, the clip ends before the attacking team can advance the payload further, leaving the final impact of this remarkable Sigma play uncertain. Nevertheless, it's safe to assume that both teams and spectators were captivated by this unique Overwatch 2 strategy, further showcasing the game's depth and potential for unexpected surprises.