ADD is now in the Latin American League
The multi-gaming Argentine organization Isurus has signed a deal with Kang 'ADD' Geon-mo, who previously played for the infamous MVPs, Bilibili Gaming and Suning. He will be their top lane player for 2022.
The Argentines wrote about this in their tweetter, proudly declaring that for the sake of victory and result they literally "will do anything."
It's worth noting that ADD won't be the first Korean league esports player inside Isurus. Earlier, in April 2021, the organization had already started collaborating with two Korean players, Lee 'Archer' Keun-hee and Son 'Jelly' Ho-gyeong. The Korean team plays on the botlane (respectively, shooter and support). And although Diego 'Shu Hari' Placencia still shares the role of the current support player with Jelly, the last tournament was played by the guys from Asia.
Most likely next year we will see a roster of three players from Korea and two from Latin America. Which really shows how much esports players from South Korea are valued, as well as the team's intention to play for the result.
Well, we will continue to observe this interesting international team at the LLA in the new year.
Now their setup looks like this:
Kang 'ADD' Geon-mo - top.
Sebastián 'Tierwulf' Mateluna - forest.
Édgar 'Seiya' Bracamontes - mid.
Lee 'Archer' Keun-hee - shooter.
Son 'Jelly' Ho-gyeong - support
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