Master guide for Malthael
Perhaps the best melee assassin now is Malthael. Malthael demonstrates not only good AOE damage, that improves with gaining new level, but also he easily can focus one target by creating a proper build.
Pros and cons of a hero:
Malthael is a great choice against a defeat-based pick. If you play against 2 tanks, you can choose this hero, as well as if the opponents have weak control. However, if the pick is control-based, this is not the best choice, but a good player can use Malthael to play against control heroes.
Good maps for Malthael:
The hero can be chosen as solo laner for any map, but I think that Braxis is the best map for him, as he will be better here than any other solo laners, except for Zagara.
Now let’s talk about talents. The hero has two builds suitable for the game, the build through Soul Rip (Q build) and the build through Reaper’s Mark (passive skill).
We’ll start with Q build that’s perfect for the situations when we need to focus solo target.
Talents of the 1st level:
Here, we always choose Fear the Reaper, as this talent will help to catch up the enemy or to escape. Other talents are almost never chosen.
Talents of the 4th level:
Die Alone is the talent that helps to be good on solo lane and focus enemy DD.
Talents of the 7th level:
Here, the choice depends on the situation and opponent’s pick. Touch of Death will help to cut down the healing power of the enemy and will give the team a chance to focus an enemy faster and kill him. You can also choose Cold Hand that will slow down the enemies.
Talents of the 10th level:
We should take Tormented Souls, as the second ultimate will be suitable only when you play for fun. In almost all other situations it’s useless.
Talents of the 13th level:
Here we have many number to choose from. If you play against auto-attack heroes, like Valla or Greymane, you should take Ethereal Existence. If you play against controlling heroes with silence and stun skills, choose Inevitable End. In all other situations, you can choose Soul Siphon.
Talents of 16th level:
In Q built, Soul Collector will improve our survival rate, so it’s better to choose it.
Talents of 20th level:
Here, the choice is only between two talents, as the boost of ultimates is never chosen. Final Curtain will increase damage and survival rate due to Death Shroud. If the game is played late, No One Can Stop Death can save you. I wouldn’t recommend to decide on the talent on 20th level too quickly.
Now let’s analyze Reaper’s Mark build (build through a passive skill).
Talents of the 1st level:
Like in the first build, you should take Fear the Reaper.
Talents of the 4th level:
Black Harvest will increase the timing of your passive skill, that will help you to make more damage.
Talents of the 7th level:
There is not difference comparing to the Q build. Mind the situation.
Talents of the 10th level:
There are no variants except for Tormented Souls.
Talents of the 13th level:
Everything is like in the Q build.
Talents of the 16th level:
Memento Mori together with talents of the 4th give better AOE damage.
Talents of the 20th level:
Everything’s like in the first build.
So the conclusions are that the difference is not very significant, though your choice of builds will have a huge effect on the game, so be careful when choosing a build for your hero.
The guide for Mathael is over by now, but it will be updated with new patches and releases. See you in Nexus!