Schreier breaks the veil of secrets - a squeeze from the new journalist material on the failure of Cyberpunk 2077
Jason Schreier continues to investigate the failure of Cyberpunk 2077. In his latest article, the journalist quotes over 20 people who were directly involved in the development of a potential CDRP hit.
As is often the case, the huge responsibility for the failure of Cyberpunk 2077 (especially on legacy consoles) rests with the management and leadership of the CDRP. According to the developers, they expected CP 2077 to be ready no earlier than 2020.
The release of the game in 2020 was under pressure from the same management. CDRP officials wanted Cyberpunk 2077 to be released before the next generation of consoles from Sony and Microsoft.
Also, an important role in the failure of Cyberpunk 2077, no matter how strange it may sound, was played by The Witcher 3. The management and management of the Polish company constantly appealed to the success of the previous CDRP creation, motivating the developers that “they were able to make The Witcher 3” and expected to see “the magic of CDRP "In the case of Cyberpunk 2077.
Be that as it may, users did not see the magic. They also did not see what was shown during the demonstration of the gameplay at E3 2018. As it turned out, that demo part was simply fake, and by 2018 the developers of Cyberpunk 2077 had only a tiny piece of code and small pieces of gameplay ready.
The rework and the inability to create the game in the studio played a significant role in the failure. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, development was carried out from home, which further exacerbated the already not rosy state of the game.
CDRP has a huge job ahead. In addition to fixing Cyberpunk 2077 bugs, the Polish studio has to restore its name, which is sometimes extremely difficult to do. You can find Schreier's full material here.