Hilarious Cutscene Chaos: When Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA 5 Defy Logic
A Red Dead Redemption 2 player recently shared an amusing encounter involving John Marston and Sadie Adler, showcasing the game's capacity for unexpected and comical moments. The vast open world of Red Dead Redemption 2 often leads to quirky scenarios that provide amusement for both players and fans.
Red Dead Redemption 2 boasts various triggers for cutscenes scattered throughout its expansive world. These cutscenes frequently initiate quests or conversations with other characters, but they often start abruptly as soon as a player reaches a designated location, regardless of the preceding events. Consequently, some cutscenes can appear absurd or bizarre when influenced by in-game actions, such as setting an area on fire or causing an explosion just before triggering a cutscene. This can result in charred or deceased non-playable characters engaging in casual conversations with the player, though it's unclear if such instances are intentional.
One Reddit user and avid Red Dead Redemption 2 player, realjacobVEVO, stumbled upon an awkward encounter with Sadie Adler by crashing into the middle of a cutscene. After a brief horseback ride through town, John Marston leaps from his horse just before arriving at the saloon, propelling him through the front window.
Upon crashing to the floor inside the bar, John Marston spots Sadie, who was seated near the shattered window, and offers a casual greeting. What adds to the hilarity of the scene is Sadie's apparent surprise upon seeing John, an understandable reaction given his unconventional entrance. While this moment is scripted, Sadie will react the same way regardless of the player's approach, making it a humorous scene.
It's worth noting that Rockstar Games' titles, such as Grand Theft Auto 5, are known for creating similar comical cutscene entrances. For example, during the Dead Man Walking mission in GTA 5, players who fly a blimp into the Galileo Observatory in Vinewood Hills can trigger a cutscene in which Michael is launched out of the exploding blimp, landing on the observatory's walkway and commencing a cutscene with the bewildered Dave Norton.
While these moments may disrupt the immersion for some players, they are often appreciated as amusing and iconic aspects of Rockstar Games' experiences. Whether GTA 6 or Red Dead Redemption 3 will replicate such scenarios remains uncertain, but players are likely to discover even more unconventional ways to initiate cutscenes in these upcoming titles.