Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Pays Tribute to a Memorable yet Comical Villain
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 makes a playful nod to an infamous yet hilariously awful villain, though fans shouldn't expect a full-fledged appearance. Spider-Man has faced a multitude of adversaries, some more beloved than others. While iconic villains like Doctor Octopus, Venom and Green Goblin are fan-favorites, there is also a special place in fans' hearts for obscure, underrated villains like Shocker, Dr. Von Schlick or Kangaroo.
The first entry in the Marvel's Spider-Man series introduced classic antagonists, ensuring instant recognition and appreciation from fans. This approach allowed lesser-known villains like Mr. Negative to receive more screen time and thorough development. However, in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, there is a reference to a rather unusual character: Big Wheel.

Big Wheel is undeniably one of Spider-Man's most bizarre and over-the-top villains. Picture a man in a gigantic wheel - it's as absurd as it sounds. While the sheer absurdity of the character makes him an endearing figure to some fans, it is unlikely that he would be taken seriously if included in the game. As a humorous tribute, Insomniac names Coney Island's Ferris wheel after Big Wheel, hinting at his existence in the game's universe without committing to making him an antagonist.
This playful reference could be interpreted as Insomniac's way of poking fun at the character while not fully incorporating him into the game. Although it would undoubtedly be hilarious to see Big Wheel as a villain, the developers might opt for a more serious tone in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As a result, the chances of Big Wheel featuring in a side quest or opening sequence appear slim.
Considering the overall tone of the sequel, it would be more fitting for Insomniac to focus on fully fleshed-out antagonists rather than indulging in the potential meme-worthiness of Big Wheel. While including such an eccentric character wouldn't be out of place in the Marvel's Spider-Man franchise, it could occupy a spot that could be better utilized by another compelling villain.
In the end, the reference to Big Wheel in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 remains charming and nostalgic for fans who recall the character's peculiar history. Whether or not Big Wheel makes a triumphant entrance in the game, Insomniac's playful homage is enough to bring a smile to the faces of Spider-Man enthusiasts.