Akke assembled a roster to compete in WESG 2017
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One of The Alliance inactive players, Joakim «Akke» Akterhall informed on Twitter that he had assembled a roster to take part in WESG.
Together with the champion of The International 2013 such players as Jonathan «Loda» Berg, Janne «Gorgc» Stefanovski, Aydin «iNsania» Sarkohi and Micke «miCKe» Nguyen gathered in the Swedish five.
See also: SFTe-sports lost Dota 2 roster
It is worth to remind that Gorgc played with Akke on the Horde roster and Loda together with Joakim Akterhall raised a cup of the world champion over the head in 2013, having won The International 3. As for iNsania and miCKe, these players were seen in Tuho that stopped its existence on October 3.
The Sweden qualification will be run on November 17-18. Two best teams will represent their country in the European final that will be carried out in Barcelona on November 22-26.
The roster of Team_team:
Joakim «Akke» Akterhall Jonathan «Loda» BergJanne «Gorgc» StefanovskiAydin «iNsania» SarkohiMicke «miCKe» Nguyen