Ethereum creators want to focus on token withdrawal in Shangai update
The developers of the main altcoin reported that the February update of Shanghai should allow users to withdraw coins without much difficulty. The team is working to ensure that investors who have staked their ETH can easily extract Ethereum as soon as possible.
However, most investors may refrain from such an opportunity, since it will not make much sense to withdraw Ethereum, even taking into account the stakes, since the value of ETH has dipped quite a lot over the past year and a half.
Some experts suggest that Ethereum will continue its decline and reach the $400 mark. The reason for this may be the unfreezing of locked funds in ETH. Although this may cause some outflow of funds, it will most likely not be the same as many representatives of the cryptocurrency industry expect.
Vitalik Buterin's team held a video conference before the upcoming Shaghai testnet, where they discussed all the pressing issues. During the discussion, they unanimously came to the conclusion that they will focus the extreme degree of attention on the withdrawal of cryptocurrencies.
At the same time, the developers clarified that due to their focus on getting ETH out of staking, they will sacrifice other technical issues, while aspects such as improving the programming environment will be postponed to a later date and other updates.
In the future, the team will be able to add Ethereum Virtual Machine object formats. If the team had tried to make such an innovation and implement a system for quickly withdrawing Ethereum from staking, then in this case, the Shanghai update could have been released not in February, but much later, which neither they nor the investors who invested in the main altcoin wanted.
Earlier, we talked about the global situation in the field of Ethereum and the problems that investors in this cryptocurrency have. If you missed our material, then we invite you to familiarize yourself .