Invites to DreamHack Denver 2017 Closed Qualifier were announced
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Organizers of the championship in Denver have published the list of teams that had received direct invitations to the closed qualifying round to DreamHack Denver.
The qualification to DreamHack Denver starts today and will be carried out in two regions: Europe and North America.
Eight best teams from the open qualifiers will be able to guarantee themselves a spot at the closed qualifying stage and to join other eight teams that are known at the moment to struggle for tickets to the LAN final.
See also: New details of ROG Masters EMEA Finals were announced
Such famous teams as HellRaisers, Team Dignitas and others will represent the European division and the North American region will be represented by Luminosity Gaming, Renegades, NRG eSports and others.
The list of participants of the closed qualification
Europe | North America |
HellRaisersJapalenoeXtatusTeam LDLCtRICKED eSportTeam DignitasBinary DragonsMortal KombatOpen qualifier #1Open qualifier #2Open qualifier #3Open qualifier #4Open qualifier #5Open qualifier #6Open qualifier #7Open qualifier #8 | RenegadesLuminosity GamingcompLexity GamingNRG eSportsDenial eSportsTempo StormGale Force eSportsIcebergOpen qualifier #1Open qualifier #2Open qualifier #3Open qualifier #4Open qualifier #5Open qualifier #6Open qualifier #7Open qualifier #8 |
The next DreamHack tournament will be hosted with a prize pool in the sum of $100,000 in Denver on October 20-22 and National Western Complex will become the venue of the event. Teams, that receive direct invites to the tournament, will be announced by the organizers later.